Opera Job Management user guide

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(Section 2: Archives)
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==='''Section 1: Introduction'''===
This page contains a guide to the contents and use of the program. To read the content of the chapters, click above the title that interests you.
    * Opera Gestione Commesse Opera Job Management Image: iconaedit.png
== Summary ==
    * Interfaccia di Opera Gestione Commesse Job Management Interface Opera
    * Quadri di Archiviazione dei dati Paintings data storage
==='''Section 1: Introduction'''===
*[[Opera Job Management]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
*[[User interface]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
*[[Program windows]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
==='''Section 2: Archives'''===
==='''Section 2: Archives'''===
* [[Systems|Systems]]
* [[Profiles]]
* [[Accessories]]
* [[Colors]]
* [[Technical catalogs|Technical catalogs]]
* [[Technical details and Wall Symbols|Technical details and Wall Symbols]]
* [[Glass configuration]]
* [[Color rules]]
* [[Codes Syntax]]
* [[Bent metals]]
* [[Systems|Systems]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Profiles]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Accessories]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Colors]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[SuppliersProfiles]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Currencies]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Typologies]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Structure options list]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Window classes]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Nodes]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Walls symbols]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Shapes]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Pane kits]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Muntins]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Documents]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Change codes]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Update prices]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Hardware driver]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
==='''Section 3: Typologies'''===
*[[Edit Typologies|Edit Typologies]]
*[[Window Classes|Window Classes]]
*[[Systems matching|Systems matching]]
*[[Typology Options|Typology Options]]
*[[Options Groups|Options Groups]]
*[[Options Chapters|Options Chapters]]
*[[Pane Kits|Pane Kits]]
*[[M/T Array Kits|M/T Array kits]]
*[[Curtin Wall Kits|Curtain Wall Kits]]
*[[Panel Configurations|Panel Configuration]]
*[[Frame Codes Replacement|Frame Codes Replacement]] 
==='''Section 3: Jobs'''===
* [[Edit Jobs]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
==='''Section 4: Jobs'''===
* [[Orchestra]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Jobs grouping]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Edit Jobs]]  
* [[Additional job fields]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Jobs grouping]]
* [[Additional job line fields]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Job status history]]
* [[Exporting data filters]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Job status]]
* [[Barcode]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[Job lines]]
* [[Job Extra Cost Templates]]
* [[Job Batches]]
* [[Job Catalog]]
* [[Contacts|Customers]]  
* [[Suppliers]]
* [[Custom job fields|Custom job fields]]  
* [[Custom job Line fields|Custom job line fields]]  
==='''Section 5: Price List'''===
* [[Price list revisions]]
* [[Price list items]]
* [[Agents]]
* [[Discount rates]] 
==='''Section 4: Price List'''===
    * Listino List Image: iconanew.png
==='''Section 6: Inventory'''===
    * Revisioni listino Revisions List Image: iconaedit.png * *
    * Archivio agenti Stock agents Image: iconanew.png
* [[Warehouse management]]
    * Filtri di importazione dati Data Import Filters Image: iconaedit.png
* [[Warehouse documents]]
* [[Physical warehouse management ]]
* [[Order categories|Order categories]]
* [[Setup warehouse]]
* [[Orders]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
* [[Check-in and check-out lists]]-->
==='''Section 7: Workshop'''===
* [[Cutting parameters|Cutting]]
* [[Processings]]
* [[Worksheets]]
* [[Cut-off machines]]
* [[Machining centers]] 
* [[Welders]]
* [[Infopoints]]
* [[Thermal break assembler]]
* [[Automatic stocks]]
* [[Glass cutter]]
* [[Machine event log ]]
* [[Machine dispatch groups]]
==='''Section 5: Workshop'''===
    * Taglio Cutting Image: iconaedit.png
    * Setup stampe tecniche Setup printing techniques Image: iconaedit.png
    * Lavorazioni Finishing Image: iconaedit.png
    * Fogli di lavoro Spreadsheets Image: iconaedit.png
    * Etichette Labels Image: iconaedit.png
    * Troncatrici Mitre Saws Image: iconaedit.png
    * Centri di lavoro Work centers Image: iconaedit.png
    * Saldatrici Welders Image: iconaedit.png
    * Infopoints Infopoints Image: iconaedit.png
    * Magazzini automatici Automated warehouses Image: iconaedit.png
    * Operatori di produzione Production operators Image: iconaedit.png
==='''Section 8: Provisions'''===
* [[Normes]]
* [[FPC]]
* [[ITT]]
* [[Notified bodies]]
* [[Zip codes]]
==='''Section 9: Company'''===
* [[Company data]]
* [[Other parameters]]
* [[Currencies]]
* [[Margin rates]]
* [[Margin rates sets]]
* [[Price groups]]
* [[Waste classes]]
* [[Tax Rates]]
==='''Section 6: Inventory''===
    * Gestione Management Image: iconanew.png
==='''Section 10 : Print'''===
    * Gestione ordini materiale Order management material Image: iconanew.png
    * Distinte di carico e scarico Separate loading and unloading Image: iconanew.png
* [[Printer setup]]
* [[Headings]]
* [[Technical sheets ]]
* [[Parts sheets]]
* [[Text styles]]
* [[Documents]]
* [[Labels ]]
* [[Job reports]]
* [[External reports ]]
* [[Materials list]]
* [[3D rendering scenes]]
==='''Section 7: Provisions'''===
=== '''Section 11 : Settings''' ===  
* [[Program setup]]
* [[Themes]]
* [[Units of measurement ]]
* [[Workers archive|Manufacturing workers]]
* [[Change operator|Change user]]
* [[Password setup ]]
    * Norme Rules
    * FPC FPC
    * ITT ITT
    * CAP CAP
==='''Section 12 : Database'''===
* [[Backup copies ]]
* [[Restore copies|Restore backup]]
* [[Paths|Directories]]
* [[Projects]]
* [[Online users]]
* [[Regenerate index|Rebuild indexes]]
* [[Web]]
==='''Section 8: Options'''===
==='''Section 13: Tools'''===
* [[Change codes]]
* [[Data import/export]]
* [[Price update ]]
* [[Price of materials]]
* [[Hardware drivers]]
* [[Hardware pool files]]
* [[Calculator]]
* [[Installation upgrade|Update installer ]]
* [[Remote support]]
* [[About Opera]]
    * Dati azienda Company Data
    * Parametri vari Various parameters
    * Setup stampe Print Setup
    * Setup programma Setup program
    * Percorsi Routes
    * Temi Topics
    * Setup password Setup password
    * Rigenerazione indici Regeneration index
    * Teleassistenza Telecare
    * Installazione aggiornamento Installing update
    * Creazione copie di sicurezza Creating backups Image: iconanew.png
    * Ripristino copie di sicurezza Restoring backups
    * Inform. Inform. su Opera About Opera
==='''Section 13: "How-To"'''===
* [[How to create a new system]] 
* [[How to create a new profile]]
* [[How to make a compound profile|How to make a compound profile for curtain walls]] (Opzionale) 
* [[How to create a new accessory]] 
* [[How to create a filler]]
* [[How to make a self-selection]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to make a self-selection profiles]]
* [[How to create a new coloring]]
* [[How to customize a color category]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to manage coloring textures]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to create labels]] [[image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[How to set the QR Code]] [[image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to export data to a spreadsheet and import changes to Opera]]
* [[How to manage document formatting]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to manage the step Integrated flat optimization]]
* [[How to manage glass configuration]]
* [[How to handle systems equivalences]]
==='''Section 9: "How-To"'''===
====Archivi Archives====
    * Come creare un nuovo sistema How to create a new system
* [[How to make a typology]]
    * Come creare un profilo How to create a profile
* [[How to edit a typology]]
    * Come creare un accessorio How to create an accessory
* [[How to change opening senses|How to change opening senses]]
    * Come fare un'autoselezione How do un'autoselezione Image: iconanew.png
* [[How to make a sliding typology]]
    * Come creare una nuova colorazione How to create a new color
* [[How to make a ribbon typology]]
    * Come creare le etichette How to create labels image: iconaedit.png
* [[How to put the slat into the typology]]
* [[How to insert quotas into a typology]]
* [[How to join two structures of one typology]]
* [[How to multiply structures|How to multiply structures of a typology]]
* [[How to put the center band on a structure]]
* [[How to make a dumpster]]
* [[How to make a shutter]]
* [[How to make a stained glass window]]
* [[How to put in the mngles]]
* [[How to make arcs and offsets]] 
* [[How to make a porthole]] 
* [[How to insert a fanlight]]
* [[How to make a curtain wall]] (Opzionale)
* [[How to enter profile data for a slide]]
* [[How to use the typology guidelines]]
* [[Scrap classes|How to manage scrap classes]]
* [[How to manage id codes by structure]]
* [[How to create a new job]]
* [[How to create a job snapshot]]
* [[How to set prices for job materials]]
* [[Profit classes|How to manage profit classes]]
* [[How to manage a job catalog]] [[image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to manage job attachments from cloud]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to manage 3D prints]] [[image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to make a price list]]
* [[How to merge cut IDs by job order]][[Image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to merge fill IDs by job order]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to manage the history of job statuses]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
* [[How to manage Project diary]]
* [[How to manage the Job Line Archive]]
* [[How to manage the delivery date of the order and order from stock]]
* [[How to handle alternate versions of the typologies]]
====Price lists====
* [[How to insert typologies in the list price useful for a review list price]]
* [[How to manage price list revisions]]
* [[How to Manage price List Discount Classes]]
* [[How to Manage price List Discount Classes in Job Order]]
==== Inventory ====
*[[How to manage the Inventory]]
*[[How to upload the master data of a profile]]
*[[How to load a blank into the Inventory]]
*[[How to put a seal in the Inventory]]
*[[How to upload the master data of a squadron]]
*[[How to load a zipper master with color]]
*[[How to manage Inventory consolidation]] [[Image:iconanew.png]]
*[[Gestione degli ordini da commessa]]
Come inserire un ordine
Impegno del materiale da commessa
Ottimizzazione e impegno
Gestione del magazzino dalla commessa
Come fare la movimentazione
Come creare i Magazzini fisici-->
    * Come fare una tipologia How to make a type
    * Come modificare una tipologia How to edit a category
*[[Application of EC standards|How to apply standards to types]]
    * Come cambiare i sensi di apertura How to change the meaning of openness
*[[How to upload AAV (Air-Water-Wind) and ITT (Initial Type Testing) certificates.]]
    * Come fare una tipologia scorrevole How to make a sliding type
*[[Viewing Nodes#Single node|How to match node thermals.]]
    * Come fare una tipologia a nastro How to make a type of tape
*[[How to do the certification for blackout windows and doors (gtot)]]
    * Come inserire la doga nella tipologia How to insert the strip in the type
*[[How to upload certificates related to Solar Reflectance and Solar Transmittance]]
    * Come inserire le quote in una tipologia How to place dimensions in a type
*[[Calculation of gtot in the absence of certificates]]
    * Come unire due strutture di una tipologia How to merge two trees of a type
*[[Calculation of gtot in the presence of certificates]]
    * Come moltiplicare le strutture di una tipologia How to increase the facilities of a type
*[[How to make an asseveration]]
    * Come inserire la fascia centrale su una struttura How to enter the central area on a structure
    * Come fare un cassonetto How to make a box
    * Come fare una persiana How to make a Persian
    * Come fare una vetrata How to make a window
    * Come inserire le inglesine How to enter the english girls
    * Come fare archi e fuorisquadra How to make bows and angled
    * Come fare un oblò How to make a door
    * Come inserire un sopraluce How to add a transom
    * Come fare una facciata continua How to make a curtain Image: iconaedit.png
====Commessa Committed====
    * Come fare una commessa How to make an order
* [[How to install Opera Job Management license on another pc]]
    * Come gestire le snapshot How to manage the snapshot
* [[How to create a JOZ file]]
    * Come impostare i prezzi dal quadro Materiali commessa How to set prices under the contract Materials Image: iconaedit.png
* [[How to manage document macros]] 
    * Come gestire le classi di utile How to manage the utility classes Image: iconanew.png  
* [[How to manage multilingual fields]]
* [[How to use Permit Management]]
* [[How to create a price import file]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[How to make a job order recovery]]
* [[How to send a COZ]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]
* [[How to do the program update]]
* [[How to install PDF printer|How to install PDF printer on the program]]
* [[How to manage Projects]]
<!-- HELP:* [[How to get the right shutter slat cutting list]] [[Image:iconaedit.png]]-->
====Listini Lists====
    * Come fare un listino How to make a list Image: iconanew.png
=== Section 14: Video ===
    * Come gestire le revisioni listino How to manage changes list Image: iconaedit.png
====Utilità Utilities====
    * Come gestire il magazzino How to manage inventory Image: iconanew.png
===Section 11: Appendices===
    * Come fare un file JOZ How to make a file Joz
    * Come gestire le macro nei documenti How to manage macros in documents Image: iconaedit.png
    * Come gestire i campi multilingua How to manage multilingual fields Image: iconanew.png
*[[Appendix I: Technical data of profiles according to uses]]
*[[Appendix II: Explanation of technical data of accessories according to uses]]
*[[Appendix III: the variables and symbols]]
====Appendice A: le variabili ei simboli Appendix A: Variables and symbols====
===Section 15: Info===
    * Variabili Variables Image: iconaedit.png
*[[Industry 4.0]]
    * Simboli Symbols Image: iconaedit.png
<!-- HELP: JM/W0 -->
<!-- HELP: JM/W0 -->
[[Category: JM/Manual]]
[[Category: JM/Manuale]]

Latest revision as of 14:58, 9 January 2025

This page contains a guide to the contents and use of the program. To read the content of the chapters, click above the title that interests you.



Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Archives

Section 3: Typologies

Section 4: Jobs

Section 5: Price List

Section 6: Inventory

Section 7: Workshop

Section 8: Provisions

Section 9: Company

Section 10 : Print

Section 11 : Settings

Section 12 : Database

Section 13: Tools

Section 13: "How-To"




Price lists




Section 14: Video

Section 11: Appendices

Section 15: Info

Personal tools