Jobs grouping

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Note N.B: To access this window from Opera Job Management: open Jobs menu, then select Jobs grouping

The Job Grouping is a function which allows to join multiple quotation orders in order to perform aspecific management operations such as the supplier order, the optimised cut list, transfer to the saw, etc... on each job at the same time,

Content description

  • Name: the code of the grouping.
  • Sequence no.: the progressive number of the work order inside the archive.
  • Year: the year of the work order.
  • Description/Notes: the job grouping description and notes.
  • Do not optimize groups: if enabled, the cutting optimization will be executed for the profiles of every single job rather than the whole job grouping.
  • Optim type. File:tastomenutendina.png: the profile cutting optimization method to use.

File:tastogestione.png: opens Group jobs management window, in which user may edit the group jobs

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