From Opera Wiki
N.B: To access this window from Opera Job Management: open Archives menu, then select Currencies
This archive is used to store currency information in the program.
Un corretto utilizzo di questo archivio, vi impone di determinare una valuta guida o principale che sarà poi quella corrispondente alla valuta con la quale avrete determinato i prezzi negli archivi. Tale valuta avrà come valore di cambio “1”, mentre le valute di raffronto avranno il valore inerente al cambio corrente. Ciò vi consentirà, all’occorrenza, di produrre le stampe dell’Abaco Tipologie o del Preventivo con l’importo della valuta selezionata.
Description of contents:
- Name: This is the name of the currency.
- Currency Symbol: This is the symbol indicating the selected currency.
- Currency Decimals: Fractions of the currency.
- Exchange: This is the exchange rate against the principal currency.
- Rounding: This is the rounding off figure used for calculating amounts.
When this file is used correctly, a guide or principal currency is entered. This will then correspond to the currency in which the prices in the files are shown. This currency will have an exchange rate of “1”, while the other currencies will have a value that reflects current exchange rates. This makes it possible to print the Type Abacus and a Quotation with the amount shown in the currency selected.
When this file is used correctly, a guide or principal currency is entered. This will then correspond to the currency in which the prices in the files are shown. This currency will have an exchange rate of “1”, while the other currencies will have a value that reflects current exchange rates. This makes it possible to print the Type Abacus and a Quotation with the amount shown in the currency selected.