How to use the typology guidelines
From Opera Wiki
- Creating the guidelines
When we need to dimension complex structures, we can insert guidelines to help us position the stringers and/or uprights well.
To insert a guideline into a type we have to click in the left edge for transoms or in the top edge for uprights (See Fig.1). Below we see the cases of stringers, but the same considerations apply to uprights.
- Hooking the stringers to the guide lines
After all the necessary guidelines have been set up, it will be sufficient to drag the stringers close to the guideline, and the program will snap the dimension of the stringer to the exact dimension of the guideline.
To move a traverse: click on a traverse (outline turns gray), keep clicked and drag toward the guide line (See Fig.2)
- Hooking a single traverse to the guidelines
If we wish to move only one traverse and not all the traverses that are at the same elevation, we need to click on a traverse (the outline turns gray), press the "capital" (shift) key, keep it clicked, and drag to the guide line (See Fig.3)
For a profile to be attached to a line, it must be moved from any position to the elevation of the magnetic guide line.
It can be seen in design that if a profile is hooked to a magnetic guide line, the hatching of the line at the profile changes. (See Fig.4)
After docking one or more profiles, we can move the line (either by dragging it to another location or by changing its elevation by clicking on the line next to the name or elevation) to move them all.
- Magnetic guidelines
If we want to have the ability to move a guide line and all the stringers hooked to it, we need to set the guide as a Magnetic guide.
- Global guidelines
Activating the Global item, allows you to manage the guide settings not only in the type in which you are working but also in the other types of the job.
So in this case if you attribute a different position to this guide, automatically in the other types of the job order it will be changed.