How to manage job attachments from cloud
From Opera Wiki
(available since version 3.8.4)
N.B: The use of Job Attachments from cloud is constrained to the creation of a data export filter.
Use of this feature allows synchronization to orders in Opera pdf files via applications on cloud (e.g., on Google drive, One Drive, DropBox); the user generates via the File:Keyoxml.png button a PDF printout from Opera that saved on the cloud, can be edited via tablet, laptop or cell phone and in case of editing, automatically synchronized with Opera. Editing of these files is possible in devices where the user has installed pdf editing software. The file saved on cloud can also be an image saved by scanning.
Usage procedure
- Select the File:Keyoxml.png button to open the Data export panel.
- Select the File:Keyexport.png button and start the export procedure to cloud.
- After the procedure is finished, pdf files are saved to cloud and attachments are proposed beside the type previews. If the pdf file is modified from external devices and saved to cloud, Opera automatically synchronizes according to the last modification made.
- In the Job Order Attachments panel that opens via the File:Buttonallegati.png button, the pdf files are displayed
N.B: For creating this filter, make sure you have a working cloud system, PDF editing management software. Contact the technicians through our call center.