Opera Job Management user guide
From Opera Wiki
Revision as of 16:06, 22 March 2011 by Fabrizio.Loddo (Talk | contribs)
Contents |
Section 1: Introduction
* Opera Gestione Commesse Opera Job Management Image: iconaedit.png * Interfaccia di Opera Gestione Commesse Job Management Interface Opera * Quadri di Archiviazione dei dati Paintings data storage
Section 2: Archives
- Systems
- Profiles
- Accessories
- Colors
- SuppliersProfiles
- Currencies
- Typologies
- Structure options list
- Window classes
- Nodes
- Walls symbols
- Shapes
- Pane kits
- Muntins
- Documents
- Change codes
- Update prices
- Hardware driver
Section 3: Jobs
- Edit Jobs
- Orchestra
- Jobs grouping
- Additional job fields
- Additional job line fields
- Exporting data filters
- Barcode
Section 4: Price List
Section 5: Workshop
- Cutting
- Technical sheets setup
- Machinings
- Machinings sheets
- Labellers
- Saw machines
- Workcenters
- Welders
- Infopoints
- Automatic stocks
- Manufacturing workers
- Workstations
- Production Calendar
Section 6: Inventory
Section 7: Provisions
Section 8: Options
- Company data
- Other parameters
- Printer setup
- Program setup
- Directories
- Themes
- Setup password
- Index regeneration
- Remote assistance
- Installer
- Backup copies
- Restore
- About Opera
Section 9: "How-To"
Archivi Archives
- How to create a new system
- How to create a new profile
- How to create a new accessory
- How to setup an automatic selection
- How to create a new color
- How to create a new label
* Come fare una tipologia How to make a type * Come modificare una tipologia How to edit a category * Come cambiare i sensi di apertura How to change the meaning of openness * Come fare una tipologia scorrevole How to make a sliding type * Come fare una tipologia a nastro How to make a type of tape * Come inserire la doga nella tipologia How to insert the strip in the type * Come inserire le quote in una tipologia How to place dimensions in a type * Come unire due strutture di una tipologia How to merge two trees of a type * Come moltiplicare le strutture di una tipologia How to increase the facilities of a type * Come inserire la fascia centrale su una struttura How to enter the central area on a structure * Come fare un cassonetto How to make a box * Come fare una persiana How to make a Persian * Come fare una vetrata How to make a window * Come inserire le inglesine How to enter the english girls * Come fare archi e fuorisquadra How to make bows and angled * Come fare un oblò How to make a door * Come inserire un sopraluce How to add a transom * Come fare una facciata continua How to make a curtain Image: iconaedit.png
Commessa Committed
* Come fare una commessa How to make an order * Come gestire le snapshot How to manage the snapshot * Come impostare i prezzi dal quadro Materiali commessa How to set prices under the contract Materials Image: iconaedit.png * Come gestire le classi di utile How to manage the utility classes Image: iconanew.png
Listini Lists
* Come fare un listino How to make a list Image: iconanew.png * Come gestire le revisioni listino How to manage changes list Image: iconaedit.png
Utilità Utilities
* Come gestire il magazzino How to manage inventory Image: iconanew.png * Come fare un file JOZ How to make a file Joz * Come gestire le macro nei documenti How to manage macros in documents Image: iconaedit.png * Come gestire i campi multilingua How to manage multilingual fields Image: iconanew.png
Appendice A: le variabili ei simboli Appendix A: Variables and symbols
* Variabili Variables Image: iconaedit.png * Simboli Symbols Image: iconaedit.png