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If you see "please acknowledge your receipt" it means you need to inform the sender - 研究社 新英和中辞典 I admit [acknowledge ... First, please acknowledge this situation. Thank you very much. acknowledge receipt of phrase. Please acknowledge your receipt of this order. 3.

High quality example sentences with “Please confirm receipt of this email” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that … 一覧に戻る 35.商品受領の通知 件名:商品受領のお知らせ(注文書番号K1287) Subject:Receipt of PO #K1287 The shipment arrived today in good condition. This sample acknowledgment email is for managers and human resource persons who want to acknowledge “Please confirm upon receipt” is the correct sentence. Originally Answered: How can I reply for this email " We would appreciate if you acknowledge or confirm the receipt of this email."? Definition of acknowledge receipt of in the Idioms Dictionary. This sentence is asking the recipient to tell the person who sent the item to confirm or tell them that they have received the item. acknowledge receipt of a letter 例文帳に追加 手紙の受領を確認する. Usually, you can use the Reply tab at the bottom of your screen. What does acknowledge receipt of expression mean? It's a very formal sentence, so I would advise don't use it in everyday life. You might see on delivery packages or official documents. Means: “kindly, acknowledge receipt of this email” or “Please confirm receipt”.

Email Acknowledging Job Application Top organizations usually acknowledge the receipt of emails of job applications. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. 海外との連絡で社内では海外へ向けてメールで何かを依頼する際"Please kindly~"という表現をよく使っています。しかしながらどうも意味が重複していて不自然に感じます。ビジネス上不自然な表現ではないでしょうか? Or there may be an instruction to reply using a particular e-mail address for replies.
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