WordPress 4.4 introduced core support for emojis. Articles Related to Remove wp-emoji-release.min.js Loading From WordPress. // REMOVE EMOJI ICONS remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7); remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles'); Now save the changes to the file, refresh your website take a look at the site’s source code once again; the code for the Emoji that was previously in the head section should now have been removed. @abbey the prefetch is just to find the ip address of the server where the resources are hosted. Remove WordPress emoji code in your pages head without plugin Here is a quick tip to remove the piece of code added by WordPress 4.2 in the header of your pages about emoji icons That’s the code WordPress adds in your page: It doesn’t actually retrieve any files.
The extra lines of in-line code WordPress adds for emoticon support probably won’t cause any issues for your site and the extra bytes won’t have a noticeable impact on page load times but for someone like myself who is frequently working with WordPress, I like to …
This automatically converts emoticons in your content from their text representation to an icon. Responsive Web Design, Grid System and Mobile Website are used for making a website easily viewable on any mobile devices including Tablets. Responsive Web Design, Grid System and Mobile Website.
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