";s:4:"text";s:2225:"If you're buying the older version of the game, you might say you're "reverting back," which is like saying "go back back." …later のない回答は If you're buying the older version of the game, you might say you're "reverting back While revert means to return to something earlier or to go back, it's often used wrongly in combination. I'll contact you as soon as I finish reviewing. …「調べる」という部分は訳されていませんが、ネイティブらしく、ビジネスにも適した簡潔なフレーズです グッドアンサー ・ I'll check on it/that and get back to you. after the national emergency had passed, the political parties abandoned their shotgun unity and reverted to their partisan squabbling ・ I will get back to you later with the answer.