";s:4:"text";s:2514:" Attorney Retainer Fees . A fee one pays to reserve the other 's time for services. retainer (複数形 retainers) Any thing or person that retains. The attorney should provide a retainer agreement detailing the retainer fee and how to proceed if the fee is depleted. retainerの意味・和訳。【名詞】使用人、家来、下僕、召使、召使い(例文)a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone.英検公式!英検対策に役立つ英和・和英辞書 If a lawyer charges $200 per hour and the parties estimate that the case will take a minimum of 30 hours, the client may be required to deposit a $6,000 retainer fee. A retainer fee payment is an option offered to our clients to ensure that our attorneys are available to you when you need us most. If they charge you $750 to appear in court on your behalf, they'll send you an invoice for this time, typically at the end of the month. A retainer fee is a fixed amount of money that you pay up front to secure our legal representation.
A dependent or follower of someone of rank. A retainer fee is a sum paid upfront before the attorney will begin working on a case. retainer feeの日本語への翻訳をチェックしましょう。文章の翻訳例retainer fee を見て、発音を聞き、文法を学びます。 This lawyer charges a retainer for his work. The matter could end up costing considerably more than the original retainer. retainer agreement, Container agreementなどを使ってこの表現がどのように使われているのか検索してみてください。 普通のビジネス用語ですのでたくさん出てくると思います。 弁護士と同じように、retainerを払って適切な人材を見つけてもらうと言う普通の契約だと思いますよ。 まず3分の1をretainer Another con is the uncertainty of what your case will finally cost at the end of the day. Since you pay the retainer amount in advance, the charges for any work done on your case are simply deducted from the prepaid amount. A paid servant, especially one who has been employed for many years.