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(wrong) In the first example, we observe afterwards occurring with no complement. afterwards Sentence Examples. Afterwards she brought a … However, after can be adjective, adverbial conjunction, adverb, or preposition. Hope said afterwards that she never swam with such delight as on that day. "I had to coin a name for the place of meeting," he said to Mrs. Roberts afterwards. afterwards is usually used as an adverb to imply "after an event that already has happened/mentioned". As it will be so privately performed, clothes and equipage may be provided for afterwards.

Afterwards (or afterward) refers to the sequence of events, regardless of the time interval (see Oxford: afterwards). 163. *I’ll see you afterwards the concert. It would be as safe for the consumer anyway, because the inspectorate, right now, acts afterwards in the industry.

Afterwards you can go ahead and ask them if they would be willing to go out with you.

(wrong) *I’ll see you afterwards the concerts starts. 44. www2.parl.gc.ca Cela pourrait être tout aussi sûr pour le consommateur, puisque le travail de la direction générale vient actuellement s'ajouter a posteriori à celui de l'industrie. Neither is more correct or incorrect than the other, and both appear throughout the English-speaking world. Afterwards, she snuggled into his arms, content with the sound of his heartbeat and the feel of his arms around her. I’ll see you afterwards. 70.

"Afterwards" does not imply "soon". Your example 2 means the same as example 1. Afterward vs. afterwards; There is no difference between afterward and afterwards. not afterwards - Traduction française – Linguee
89. I thought afterwards seven was too early and changed the reservation to eight. Every …
78. The preposition afterwards is intransitive and doesn't take a complement. However, after can be adjective, adverbial conjunction, adverb, or preposition. After, afterwards - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary But this is not a rule, and exceptions are easily found. 38. North American writers tend to favor afterward, while English speakers from outside the U.S. and Canada tend to favor afterwards. It is always a good idea to give compliments to the person you like. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "not afterwards" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. "Afterwards" does not imply "soon". 56. 91. Afterwards, I went to the horses to grab our lunch. (wrong) *I’ll see you afterwards of the concert. They found her afterwards by her own hearthstone, thrust through by a Frenchman's bill. Soon afterwards he entered political life.
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