";s:4:"text";s:2507:" Join us below, in English nó as Gaeilge, for the Minecraft Voyage Aquatic Hour of Code. One-hour tutorials are available in 45+ languages for all ages. Minecraft Hour of Code, Voyage Aquatic – plan your classroom’s Hour of Code today . "The company has teamed up with Code.org for the release of "Voyage Aquatic," in which students "explore aquatic worlds and uncover hidden treasure" by writing code to instruct agents to execute commands. Last time, I wrote about Delighting Students with Microsoft Hour of Code and Minecraft. A village is threatened by fire and needs you to code a solution! A lot! Meet your coding helper, the Minecraft Agent, then program the Agent to navigate the forest and collect data.
The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students. Then code the Agent to help prevent the spread of fire, save the village, and bring life back into the forest.