With the HTML5 the hr tag has become semantic and … – HTML 3.2 Specification. The HTML
tag is used to insert a horizontal rule or a thematic break in an HTML page to divide or separate document sections.. Style tag with CSS. Learn more. css定义hr水平线的几种样式,不要小看了hr水平线哦,用好了会给你的网页增色不少,这一段代码分别定义了几种漂亮的hr样式及颜色,包括水平线变虚线,供你参考,代码如下: 以下为运行示例: 文章来源:源 The HTML element represents a Horizontal-rule and it is used for page break via line. In this post we will show you a few examples to style the html tag with css. This makes your code more maintainable and your layouts more consistent.
Horizontal rules may be used to indicate a change in topic. The thickness of the hr tag can be set using height property in CSS.Minimum height can be 1px since the smallest unit available is 1 pixel. The
tag is used to add a horizontal line in a webpage, this line can be used to divide information or segments of your webpage. How do you make a vertical line using HTML? Today the HTML HR element is styled with CSS rather than attributes. It creates horizontal line, which makes someone to understand that there is an end of the page or a sentence break. Not only does this use the right system (CSS) to define rendering rules it allows you to reuse the same rule many times. Even though it's sometimes recommended to replace the element with cascading stylesheets only using horizontal borders of other elements, I prefer as a section divider. I’d say that was pretty consistent really, and not a re-purposing at all. HTML Horizontal Line Color, Size and Other Styles with CSS. HTML / Learn How Fonts And Web Typography Work In HTML: A Beginner's Guide / Code Example For HTML Hr Tags (And Which Browsers Support Them) Disclosure: Your support helps keep the site running! Introduction. 26 Beautiful HTML hr CSS Design With Custom CSS 2020 HR tag is one of the common function in the HTML, when you need to separate content, all you have to do is to declare the hr code. If your goal is to put vertical lines in a container to separate side-by-side child elements (column elements), you … This makes a web page more readable even in older browsers that receive only pure HTML with no style sheet. Images can be added to make hr tag more beautiful in appearance.
element is a divider between sections of text; – HTML 2.0 Specification. The hr element represents a paragraph-level thematic break – HTML 5.0 Draft Specification. Sharing is caring! We can also design the hr (horizontal-rule) tag to create attractive user-interface. 在对html网页进行美化的时候,肯定少不了要用的hr标签进行修饰页面,但默认的hr标签样式对页面的修饰起不到什么好的作用,有经验的前端工作者就会通过使用css样式来对hr标签进行一些美化的操作。那么如何在css中给hr标签设置样式呢?本章就给大家介绍css设置hr标签的几种样式。 We earn a referral fee for some of the services we recommend on this page.