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Revision as of 13:21, 26 May 2011 by Fabrizio.Loddo (Talk | contribs)
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Note N.B: To access this window from Opera Job Management: open Options menu, then select Directories

Content description

This window allows user to edit the program configuration about the archives storage

  • Archive directory image:tastod.png : the directory path where archives are stored
  • Users directory image:tastod.png : the directory path where user archives are stored
  • Clt.Arch.Directory image:tastod.png : the directory path where customer archives are stored
  • Job directory image:tastod.png : the directory path where job archives are stored
  • Inventory directory. image:tastod.png : the directory path where inventory archives are stored
  • Max files open: this function is useful for shared network archive folders. To allow a faster data exchange it is possible to set a maximum number of files opened at the same time.
  • Compressionimage:tastomenutendina.png: the compression type of the archive data
  • Network : if enabled allows archive sharing between workstations in local network
  • Fastshare. : if enabled, allows a faster access time to network shared archives
  • Directory. image:tastod.png : the network shared folder for archives
  • DXF. image:tastop.png: the pathname of DXF editor executable
  • Flat optim. image:tastop.png: the pathname of the flat optimizator executable
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