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L'archivio accessori
Note N.B: To access this window from Opera Job Management: open Archives menu, then select Accessories

This is the storage database of the accessories’ technical data. By them the program is able to calculate the application spot, the quantity, the prices.

Content description

  • File:tastostampa2.png: is used to print the accessories archive.
Note NOTE:
Obviously it is possible to print only a group of accessories. Please remember that, as indicated in the picture, the selection boxes explained in The interface section, will let you set the parameters to select only a certain type of records. This is useful, for example, if you want to print only the accessories belonging to a certain make, or for a certain use (corners, locks,...).
  • File:tastopercentuale.png: button is pressed the following window opens:
  • choosing Percentage allows user to edit all prices by a percentage variation.
  • choosing List opens a .csv file in which all accessories are reported along with their prices. It is possibile then to edit each single price item. after saving the file, a report will popup. Pressing File:tastoaggiorna.png will save all changes to the archive
  • File:tastocategorie.png : opens the catalogue assigned to the accessory, if this had ben previously loaded into the archive

  • Name: The accessory code.
  • Master name: The accessory code to refer to.
  • System File:tastomenutendina.png: Indicates the name of the system the accessory belongs to.
  • Series File:tastomenutendina.png: Indicates the name of the series the accessory belongs to (approximate data).
  • Description: the full description of the accessory features
  • Supplier File:tastoc.png: the name of the accessory supplier.
  • Old code: the old code of the item
  • Seach for: keyword search for this item. multiple words must be separated with blank spaces.
  • Units of measurement File:tastomenutendina.png: the unit of measurement of the accessory.
  • Exclude from lists File:tastos.png: if enabled, the item will be excluded from any printout regarding the material (order, list…). Clicking File:tastos.png will open the

accessories change archive

  • Color File:tastomenutendina.png: the part from which the accessory inherits its color (i.e. selecting External the color of the accessory will be the same as the external side of the profile, selecting Roller shutter will assign to the accessory the same color of the roller shutter)
  • Technical symbol File:tastomenutendina.png: the symbol that has to be linked to the accessory. It is better to link a symbol to the accessory in order to make easier the interpretation of the drawing both on the screen and on the print-out.
  • Weight: the weight of the accessory
  • Pack quantity: items no. in a single package
  • Margin rt.File:tastomenutendina.png: the margin rate to assign to the accessory.
  • Screws File:tastomenutendina.png: the code for the screws to be used when assembling the accessory.
  • Screw n°: the screws required for assembling the accessory.
  • Assemblage time: the assemblage time for the accessory.
  • Machining File:tastomenutendina.png: This field and the previous Assemblage time are strictly linked. In fact in the previous being reported the mounting time, on this must be reported the machining upon which calculate that time.
  • Delivering list: if enabled, the accessory will be printed in a separate list in the order list printout from the job
  • Hardware variable: if enabled, hardware variables will be added to the technical data sheet printouts of the accessory
  • Hardware length: the hardware length. the field will be added to the technical data sheet printouts of the accessory
  • ManualFile:tastoc.png: the user manual for the accessory
  • Catalogue/PagesFile:tastoc.png: the technical catalogue name along with the pages where the accessory info is.
  • Function : the accessory's function
Note NOTE:
According to the set use, a few fields will appear that will show the technical data of the accessory. The program will consider this data during the profile cut calculations and the quantity calculations.

  • File:tastoprezzi2.png: La pressione di questo pulsante apre la finestra dei prezzi dell'accessorio, in cui l’operatore avrà la possibilità di modificare i prezzi degli accessori, immettendo il valore di variazione in percentuale. La variazione può essere effettuata sul singolo accessorio o su tutta la lista dell’archivio: infatti dopo aver immesso il valore e cliccato sul pulsante File:tastook.png, il programma vi chiederà se volete applicare la percentuale al singolo accessorio o a tutta la lista.
  • File:tastoicona.png: apre il quadro di gestione delle icone dell'accessorio, dove è possibile gestire l’icona dell’accessorio disegnandola nella matrice di tasselli, caricandola come immagine dal sistema operativo o da directory in uno dei formati ammessi. E’ anche possibile assegnare all’accessorio un'immagine (ad esempio la fotografia riportata sul catalogo) in formato TIFF o Bitmap o dwg/dxf. Le funzioni l’utilizzo e la gestione del quadro Gestione icone accessorio sono le medesime del quadro Gestione sezione profili.
  • File:tastolavorazioni4.png: apre un quadro dove è possibile inserire le lavorazioni dell'accessorio abbinato.
  • File:tastotaglio2.png: apre un quadro dove è possibile inserire la lunghezza del taglio del profilo accessorio.
  • File:tastolistino2.png: apre il quadro di gestione prezzi listino del profilo selezionato. Il pulsante è attivo solo in presenza di una revisione listino.


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