Profile optimization parameters

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Il quadro dei parametri di ottimizzazione
Note N.B: To access this window: from Profiles select Image:tastoottimizza.png button

This window is used to customize the optimization data for a profile.

Content description

  • Min waste: the minimum allowed waste for the profile
  • Min waste offcut: the maximum waste during the optimization of the offcuts
  • Cut priority: sort position for the cutting list
  • Force group bar: if enabled, bars are cut together even when more bars than necessary are required
  • N. of assembled parts: the number of bars to cut together
Esempio di taglio ottimizzato con 1 pezzo accorpato e la casella Forza barre insieme disattiva
Esempio di taglio ottimizzato con 2 pezzi accorpati e la casella Forza barre insieme attiva

  • Re-usable leftover: the minimum lenght of the leftover to utilize again
  • Do not divide long pieces: If enabled, long workpieces are not shared out amid the bars to be optimized
  • Unique label pack: If enabled, Opera will print out a unique label for the grouped cut
Note N.B: The following settings are available only when Opera Smart Optimization is installed
  • TypeFile:frecciagiu.png: the tipe of bar optimization
do not use any optimization on bars
Choosing this kind of optimization, it’s possible to determine both the minimal and the maximal measure put on disposal by the supplier, and a step of change of the optimization measures. Following this procedure the program draws the best possible measure for the needed bar.
Esempio di Taglio ottimizzato al pezzo
This allows to create a list of maximal measures put on disposal by the supplier. Such measures are analyzed by the program which will take the fittest bar to order in the optimization stage.
Per part
This allow to optimize and hence to order the bar, in the real measure of use:

  • Tipo ottimizzazioneFile:frecciagiu.png: :Le funzioni si Smart optimization sono attivabili direttamente sul profilo oltre che nei Parametri generali di taglio e nella Commessa. L’operatore può determinare nel profilo il tipo di ottimizzazione da adottare.
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