Systems matching

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Systems matching archive
Note N.B: To access this box in Opera Job Management: from the Typologies menu, select the Systems matching button

The objective of this new functionality is to facilitate the transfer of a typology from one system or series to another by creating matchings between the types contained in your archives.

A matching is a correspondence between typologies in different systems or series.

Matchings involve different entry levels: Series, Profiles, Accessories, Colours and Options.

See in detail at the contents of the different frameworks in this archive and their use.

Section 1: Matching Registry

  • Name: field for entering the name of the matching being created.
  • Desc.: field for a possible description of the matching .

Section 2: action keys

  • File:keyseriesES.png: opens the Series panel, where to set all chosen Systems and Series for matchings.
  • File:keyprofilesES.png: opens the Series/Profiles panel, where to set all profiles chosen for matchings.
  • File:keyaccessoriesES.png: opens the Series/Accessories panel, where to set all accessories chosen for the matchings.
  • File:keyboardColorazioniES.png: opens the Series/Colouring panel, where to set all chosen colours for the matchings.
  • File:keyoptionsES.png: opens the Series/Options panel, where to set all chosen options for matchings.

Section 2: Management of matchings in the order

After all matchings have been set, a new button appears in the Job panel File:equivalences.png, which opens the System matchings panel.

The programme shows the recorded matchings:

  • the greyed-out entries are those that have not been defined in the archive
  • entries with the File:equivalenzaxrossa.png show that the item being replaced will be deleted.

Using the File:tastoarchivio.png Image:tastopiu.png Image:tastodiverso.png you can enter additional matches or correct missing ones.

The Image:tastomeno.png button deletes the match.

The File:keystarttask.png key starts the replacement of registered equivalences.

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