How to manage text formatting
From Opera Wiki
Revision as of 11:40, 6 December 2021 by Fabrizio.Loddo (Talk | contribs)
N.B: The format of document text can be customized using html tags. A tag is an property enclosed within "< | >" symbols. Here below the list of the tags you can use in documents and descriptions: the computed text format will also be displayed in the documents (the offer, for exaample.)
Contents |
- <b> Opera Company </b> or <strong> Opera Company</strong> : using these tags you to set the text within the tag in bold
The first picture shows how to add the text between the chosen tags; the result text is displayed when you move to another field or save the type (see second picture). You can also edit the text of the offers using tagss: the formatted result text is shown when the document is saved.
The formatted text will be shown in the printout document
- <i> Opera Company </i> or <em> Opera Company </em> : using these TAGs it is possible to format the text inserted in italic
Highlight words and phrases
- <mark>Opera Company </mark> or <mark color="red">Opera Company </mark>: using these TAGs it is possible to highlight the text. It is possible to view a list of colors at the following link [1].
Superscript and subscript
- Opera <sub>Company </sub>: using these TAGs we can set a character, a number or a word to subscript. Ex.: OperaCompany.
- Opera <sup>Company </sup>: using these TAGs we can set a character, a number or a word to superscript. Es.: OperaCompany.
Underline or delete words and phrases
- <u> Opera Company </u> or <ins> Opera Company</ins>: using these TAGs we can underline one or more words.
- <s>
Opera Company</s> or <del>Opera Company</del>: using these TAGs we can delete one or more words.
Font size
- <small> Opera Company</small> : using these TAGs we can make the font smaller.
- <big>Opera Company </big> : using these TAGs we can make the font bigger.
Font Monospaced
- <tt> Opera Company</tt>: using these TAGs we can set a monospaced font, that is a font with characters that all have the same horizontal space.
- <font face="Times New Roman"> Opera Company </font>: using these TAGs we can set a different font than the default.
- <font color="red"> Opera Company </font>: using these TAGs we can set a different color than the default.
It is possible to use the previous TAGs together and set a font and color other than the default ones.
- <font face="Times New Roman" color="red"> Opera Company </font>.
the font list in Opera Job Management is in the Theme panel,visionabile nel quadro Temi, in the Options menu.
the font list in Opera Job Management is in the Theme panel,visionabile nel quadro Temi, in the Options menu.