Technical catalogs
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Revision as of 08:36, 11 May 2021 by Monica.Sanna (Talk | contribs)
N.B: To enter to this box into Opera Job Management: from menu Archives, select the botton System and push
This box lets you to add technical catalogues or technical tabs, they are divided into System and Series.
Contents |
Section 1: Filters
The first section contains fields that filter the catalogues and tabs already recorded:
- System/Series: it shows only catalogues and tabs for System and Series selected
- Model: it dispalys selected document from a drop-down menu (Catalogues or technical tab)
- Key: it lets you to filter documents according to matched Key.
Section 2: Action bottons
- : input keys, delete keys, edit keys and paste of a a document
- Botton lets you to dispaly attachments linked to the document already added.
- Botton you can export the documents taking parts of technical catalogue archives in excel sheet.
Section 3: anagrafica del documento document personal data?
- Name/Desc.: we point at Catalogue name or tecnichal tab and the description.
- Key: it lets you to match a research key, it is useful in the filter fileds, in the case of many documents registered in the archive.
- Model: in this field you have to indicate type of document which you want to link to the system and series.
- Language: you can select the language of the document.
- System/Series: they are fields refering to the selection of system and series.
- Publish on WEB: this field is activated with the purchase of the Orchestra step for on line quotations and it allows to send the selected document on web.
Section 4: Function bottons