Glazing bead settings
From Opera Wiki
- sill, Name, head Name, left Name, right Name
: These boxes show the names of the sill, head, left and right glazing bead respectively.
- For each glazing bead, there is a group of buttons that allow you to assign accessories formulas or reset the cuts.
: This button is useful when you are used to cut the glazing bead together with the frame it is mounted on. In this case, press this button to get a single cut list for both profiles.
- Up to: field to define the measure until which to add the fixed measure.
- Minimum : field to define the fixed measure to be added.
- Every: field to define the step of the next additions.
- Add: field to define the measurements of the next additions.
- Mult. vert. /Mult. horiz: field to define how much to multiply the height of the glazing bead in vertical or horizontal direction.
- Perimetric glazing: if enabled, calculate the glazing bead on the perimeter of the frame.
- Glazing bead group: field to match a group of Glazing beads.
- Glazing bead color: field to match a specific color to the glazing beads.
- Formula
: the matching key opens the frame Structure formula definition and allows you to assign cutting formulas to the glazing bead.
: This button allows you to assign machining to the glazing bead, through the Glazing Bead machinings panel.
: This button allows you to assign accessories to the glazing bead, through the Glazing bead Accessories frame.