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";s:4:"text";s:37451:"Health, education, law, governance and recreation etc. Answer: (CBSE 2013) (c) Making Garments (Delhi 2009) the transport systems. What are trading centres? There are wide ranging economic, political and social differences among countries. Quaternary activities are specialized tertairy activities in the ‘Knowledge Sector’ which demands a separate classification. An industrial system consists of inputs, processes, and outputs. Internet together with fax, television and radio will be accessible to more and more people cutting across place and time. These activities include think, research and develop ideas. In the case of the textile industry, the inputs may be cotton, human labor, factory and transport cost. Exchange involves trade, transport and communication facilities that are used to overcome distance. (iv) KPO enables companies to create additional business opportunities. activities from a spatial context ... (hydrological cycle, The characteristics of places develop and change over time wind patterns, etc) The elements of places interact with other places The content of a place is rationally ... activities. Define tertiary activity. People in these activities are most mobile in the process of career development. In selecting the mode of transport, distance, in terms of time or cost, is the determining factor. Answer: Teacher, lawyers, physicians, musicians and others perform mental labour. Tourism is highly labour intensive activity of unique kind in the world. Personnel working in office buildings, elementary schools and university classrooms, hospitals and doctors’ offices, theatres, accounting and brokerage firms all belong to this category of services. Answer: Question 8. What do you mean by isochrone lines? (c) University teaching. Historic towns also attract tourists, because of the monument, heritage sites and cultural activities. Services *are provided to individual consumers who can afford to pay for them. The processes include a wide range of activities that convert the raw material into finished products. Primary activities are directly dependent on environment as these refer to utilisation of earth’s resources such as land, water, vegetation, building materials and minerals. Answer: Question 13. (i) Rural marketing centre provide facility to nearby settlements. Advanced medical sciences, have increased the life span of humans. Quaternary activities are developed form of services. Primary activities are directly dependent on the environment as these refer to utilisation of earth’s resources such as… (ii) (i) Quaternary activities Chain Stores: These are retail stores owned by a single firm and spread over vast geographical areas across nation or worldwide. Question 5. There is an increase in international trade of services. (a) Tertiary Activities and Secondary Activities. (ii) They involve the production of tangible goods. Question 3. Others include winter sports regions, found mainly in mountainous areas, and various scenic landscapes and national parks, which are scattered. Examples include work of a technician, driver, lawyer, administrator, publisher, etc. (a) Iron Smelting (c) Retail and Wholesale Trading Services In rural areas periodic markets are also organized, these markets are held on specified days and move from place to place. Answer: Modern society requires speedy and efficient transport systems to assist in the production, distribution and consumption of goods. (c) Weaving (c) Quaternary Question 1. economic activity associated with the provision fo services (transportation, banking, retailing, education, routine, office-based jobs) quaternary economic activity service sector industires concerned with the collection, processing, and manipuation of information and capital (finance, administration, insurance, legal services) It has become the world’s single largest tertiaiy activity in total registered jobs (250 million) and total revenue (40 per cent of the total GDP). Answer: (ii) Urban centres offer specialised services. NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. More significant in recent years has been the expansion in air transport. The tertiary sector of the economy is a collection of industries that produce mostly intangible value, meaning value that has no physical form.It is a hallmark of advanced economies to have a large tertiary sector that generates a high percentage of GDP and employment. Answer: (i) They rely on the production techniques, machinery and factory processes. Analyse the statement with three suitable examples. Information technology brought the major breakthrough in genetic engineering which can be applied in various field such as energy, medicines, healthcare and manufacturing. Explain the importance of service sector in the economic development of a country by giving three suitable examples from the parts of the world. The present paper aims to find out the regional disparities in work forces engaged in different economic activities. (v) Examples: research and development (R and D) activities, e-learning, business research, intellectual property (IP), research, legal profession and the banking sector. Food production has many sections and it starts with basic things like cleaning, packing, s… People involved are referred to as gold collar workers. In some regions, tourism is seasonal because the vacation period is dependent on favorable weather conditions, but many regions attract visitors all the year round. Outsourcing holds tremendous advantage for patient and it is focused on improving quality. Primary activities “Tourism is highly labour intensive activity of unique kind in the world.” Support this statement with examples. Quinary activities, these are activities that are done by top executive or officials in such a field as government. Question 6. What are the factors of tourist attractions? The information technology acts as a boon in the development of quaternary activities in the following ways: Question 3. Question 5. For example, air travel allows one to travel anywhere in the world in a few hours of flying time from their homes. The notion that different major economic sectors and activities may be of varying importance for overall economic activity and well-being goes back to preceding millenia. (d) Hunting (CBSE 2018) Question 1. As a country develops, more and more people shift to tertiary activities and the share of tertiary activities in the GDP is even faster. quinary economic activities. Give examples of services from Quaternary sector. How does it help? Human beings have used different methods long-distance communications of which the telegraph and the telephone were important. Answer: People visit ancient or picturesque towns and archaeological sites, and enjoy exploring castles, palaces and churches. The Quaternary Sector along with the Tertiary Sector has replaced all primary and secondary employment as the basis for economic growth. (vi) It has revolutionized communications because of the speed with which messages are sent. The production involves the ‘provision’ of services that are ‘consumed. Tertiary activities include all kinds of services provided to people such as education, health, trade and transport. The larger the population size, the greater is the demand for transport. Services once generated can be easily availed by many and provide high monetary value in terms of wages, service charges etc. It is very difficult to measure the output of tertiary activity though they can be measured indirectly in terms of wages and salaries. Answer: Which one of the following activities is NOT a secondary sector activity? How to use quinary in a sentence. Arts, entertainment, and recreation. Which one of the following activities is related to quaternary sector? Explain the similarities and differences between quaternary and quinary activities. The three characteristics of tertiary activities are: The three characteristics of quaternary activities are as follows-. Periodic markets in rural areas are found where there are no regular markets, and local periodic, markets are organized at different time intervals may be weekly, biweekly etc. are linked together to form a network. These are intellectual occupations whose task is to think research and develop ideas. When medical treatment is combined with international tourism activity, it is commonly known as medical tourism. ii) Rural centres are mos,tly rudimentary type. They provide manufactured goods and as well as many specialized markets offer like labour, housing, etc. History and Art: The history and art of an area have potential attractiveness. Features of Quaternary Activities: Question 6. Landscape: Many people like to spend their holidays in an attractive environment, which often means mountains, lakes, spectacular sea coasts and landscapes not completely altered by man. Travel is easier by car, with better road systems. Some examples of services from quaternary sector involves: mutual fund managers, tax consultants, software developers, teachers, hospital and doctor offices, accountants, etc. Quinary activities are services that focus on the creation, re-arrangement and interpretation of new and existing ideas; data interpretation and the use and evaluation of new technologies. Improvements in the standard of living and increased leisure time, permit many more people to go on holidays for leisure. There has been a very high growth in demand for and consumption of information based services from mutual fund managers to tax consultants, software developers and statisticians. (d) Basket Weaving Consumer cooperatives: A cooperative business which is owned by its consumers for mutual sharing of benefit, after setting aside money for investment, is known as consumer cooperative. Answer: Like some of the tertiary functions, quaternary activities can also be outsourced. Higher services under tertiary activities are again classified into quaternary and quinary activities. Service sector provides the most lump some amount of foreign exchange and income for the country. Most of the retail trading takes place in fixed establishments or stores solely devoted to selling. (iv) They act as a local collecting and distributing centres. They are formed of nodes and links. The warmer places around the Mediterranean Coast and the West Coast of India are some of the popular tourist destinations in the world. Examples of rural marketing centres involve mandis, periodic markets, which may be weekly, biweekly, monthly, annually. The quaternary activities has replaced most of the primary and secondary activities as the basis of economic growth. Answer: These are some of the economic activity examples undertaken by individuals employed under different sectors of a country’s economy. (iii) It is done through fixed stores- large shops as well as through non-stores-street peddling, door- to-door, mail-order, telephone, automatic vending machines and internet. “ Services are very important aspect for economic development of a country”. What is digital divide? The activities are characterized by the highest income. (e) Communication and Telecommunication Answer: New York, Tokyo and London together cover the world for the purpose of financial trading. The quinary sector is the top economic sector. Secondary activities Discuss the significance and growth of the service sector in modern economic development. Enlist the factors that affect transport services. plant domestication. How quickly countries can provide ICT access and benefits to its citizens is the deciding factor. Besides, if a region provides for the needs of tourists at a cheap cost, it is likely to become very popular. The digitization of information technology has merged with telecommunication to form integrated network through internet. (b) Rural Marketing Centres and Urban Marketing Centres (iii) Rising aged population in Japan and North America has led to the increase in employment and development of medical services. They involves the highest level of decision making in society or economy. Quinary definition is - consisting of five : arranged by fives : quintuple. 4. Food production, as the name suggests, is all about preparing food, in which raw materials are converted into ready-made food products for human use either in the home or in the food processing industries. On the other hand, in comparison with the commercial Pd/C, the well-ordered quinary PdNiCoCuFe NTAs also possess much higher electrocatalytic activity as shown in Figure S1, primarily because of the synergistic effects among various metals and the large surface area of nanotube arrays. Climate: Most people from colder regions expect to have warm, sunny weather for beach holidays. Industrial locations are complex in nature. (i) It refers to communication using electronic technology. Answer:. (a) Secondary activities In most of the advanced countries, the quaternary activities engage a small but growing proportion of population. Transportation is also essential for defence purpose. Quinary workers are also refered as Gold collar professions. The reasons responsible for this are as follows: Question 4. (iii) These were actually carried by hand, boat, animals, road, rail and air. Define consumer cooperative, departmental stores & chain stores. It also links rural areas with urban areas and helps in ushering development even in rural and backward areas. Tertiary Activities. (iii) Why is India a popular tourist destination in the world? It makes more places suitable for setting up industries and hence helps, in increasing job opportunities. For example the gardener, the launderers and the barber do primarily physical labour. The examples of such activities may be: a housewife working at home, a person engaged in social work, attending a religious activity, listening to a discourse by a saint, attending to accident victims by volunteers etc. Question 2. (c) Quinary activities What is outsourcing? Jobs that involve high degrees and level of innovations are known as: These services require other theoretical knowledge and practical training. Quinary activities are services that focus on the creation, re-arrangement and interpretation of new and existing ideas; data interpretation and the use and evaluation of new technologies. require professional skills. (iii) The KPO industry involves more high skilled workers. Answer: The internet has truly revolutionized the global communication system. Question 4. Give examples of rural marketing centres. Major components of the service sectors: Question 3. Answer: The quaternary sector or quaternary industry is the economic activity based on the intellectual or knowledge-based economy. What is the meaning of quaternary activities? All types of services are special skills provided in exchange of payments. Question 4. Routes depend on: location of cities, towns, villages, industrial centres and raw materials, pattern of trade between them, nature of the landscape between them, type of climate, and funds available for overcoming obstacles along the length of the route. Question 6. 1. What is medical tourism? ... Quinary Sector Quinary sector is the branch of a country’ s economy where high … What are the types of tertiary activities? Language School: Ask for Information. Street peddling, handcarts, trucks, door-to-door, mail-order, telephone, automatic vending machines and internet are examples of non-store retail selling. For example, in Africa livestock farming is much more important than i… Secondary activities add value to natural resources by transforming raw materials into valuable products. Urban trading centers provide specialized services, along with the ordinary goods and services required by the people. India, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia are the fastest emerging countries of medical tourism in the world. Rural marketing centers cater to nearby settlements, these are semi urban centers of rudimentary type and act as local collecting and distributing centers. (iv) They provide services beyond cities at national or international levels, (i) Rural marketing centres provide facility to the nearby settlements. Its process comprises of scientific approaches. (CBSE 2014, 15) (a) Tertiary Activities and Secondary Activities: (b) Rural Marketing Centres and Urban Marketing Centres: (c) Retail and Wholesale Trading Services: Question 1. Define Medical Tourism. India is a popular tourist destination because of warmer places on West Coast/favorable climatic conditions / Heritage homes/historical places/scenic landscapes/national parks/medical services, etc. The work also find out the total working populations engaged in cultivators, agriculture, household industries and allied activities in urban centers of the region. In developing countries it is usually quite a large sector. Over half of the workers in the developed economies are in the knowledge sector. Transport: The opening-up of tourist areas has been aided by improvement in transport facilities. Quinary Economic Activity. Answer: Question 10. activities tied in with research or higher education. They centre around research, development and may be seen as advanced form of services involving specialized knowledge and technical skill. In developing country like India, the service sector is growing faster than the manufacturing sector. Labour: Human resource in the area who can function as labor to run the processes. outsource their work because of high wages in their own countries compared to the developing countries which offer similar services at a much cheaper rate. Answer: (iv) It does not involved in material production and stand in contrast to manufacturingindustries which produce goods of different varieties. (c) BPOs have better business opportunities as compared to KPOs. Exchange, involves trade, transport and communication facilities that are used to overcome distance. Answer the following questions in about 30 words: Question 2. Quinary activities 3. The foundation of this type … Describe any three characteristics of chain stores in the world. They will lead long and healthy life which form the most important resources for the economic development of any country. tertiary activities, quaternary and quinary activities. Telecommunication is generally distance communication and it’s use is directly linked to the development of modem technology. The Mediterranean climate offers almost consistently higher temperatures, than in other parts of Europe, long hours of sunshine and low rainfall throughout the peak holiday season. New trends in quinary services include knowledge processing outsourcing (KPO) and ‘home shoring’, the latter as an alternative to outsourcing. The three characteristics of quaternary activities are as follows: Quaternary activities centre around research and development and may be seen as an advanced form of services involving specialised knowledge and technical skills. With examples, explain retail trading service. (d) BPO ahd KPO Economic activities are broadly grouped into primary, secondary, tertiary activities. Urban marketing centres have widely specialised urban services providing ordinary goods and services to specialized goods as per the demand. CONTENTS 1) Economic Activities 2) Non Economic Activities 3) Objectives 4) Characteristics 5) Parts of Economic Activities 6) Types/Classification Of Economic Activities 7) Sectors Of Economic Activities. It includes small shops, consumer cooperatives, chain stores, departmental stores. (CBSE 2006, 07) Tertiary activities include both production and exchange. Which one of the following statements is not true? (vi) It is used for marketing, public awareness and entertainment. Often referred to as ‘gold collar’ professions, they represent another subdivision of the tertiary sector representing special and highly paid skills of senior business executives, government officials, research scientists, financial and legal consultants, etc. Service sector is well developed in regions where there is high technological and educational know how. What is meant by digital divide? (c) University teaching All these regions benefited from tourism through the development of infrastructure industries, retail trading, craft industries in their respective regions. (i) It stands for Business Processing Outsourcing. Teacher, lawyers, physicians, musicians and others perform mental labour. While developed countries in general have surged forward, the developing countries have lagged behind and this is known as the digital divide. 3. Modem means of transportation system has given free choice of location to industries. Which countries are gaining from Medical Tourism? The term quaternary basically refers to the more intellectual occupations. (i) This is the business activity concerned with the bulk selling of goods through merchants and the supply-houses. Specialized service of lawyers, doctors, veterinary services, consultants of different professions are also available. Question 2. The three characteristics of quaternary activities are as follows-This is a specialized and complex category of activities which is mainly concerned with knowledge such as education, information and development. Name three types of activities included in service sector. Medical tourism brings huge benefits to the developing countries like India, Thailand. Tertiary Sector. (ii) Man power is an important component of service sector as most of the tertiary activities are performed by skilled labour, professionally trained experts and consultants. quaternary economic activities. How tourism has become the single largest tertiary activity? Answer: Answer: Question 2. There is also the trend of outsourcing the medical tests and data interpretation, and some centers in India, Switzerland and Australia carry on some medical services like reading of radiology images, to interpreting MRI’s and ultrasound tests. Answer: Outsourcing is coming to those countries where cheap and skilled workers are available like India, China, Eastern Europe, Israel, Philippines and Costa Rica: Outsourcing countries are facing resistance from job-seeking youths in their respective countries. Answer: What are the Characteristics of Economic Activities? Answer: Question 3. What are the components of tertiary activity? Question 5. Answer: Question 2. (ii) It is information driven Knowledge Outsourcing. Question 1. (CBSE 2005, 06) Node: A node is the meeting point of two or more routes, point of origin, a point of destination, or any sizeable town along the route. Tertiary activities includes both production and exchange. It is concerned with intangible output and includes a large diversity of services. For example in ancient China usually four basic classes or categories of people were recognized, and among these, persons involved in (CBSE 2004, 05, 13) Tourism fosters the growth of infrastructure industries, retail trading, and craft industries (souvenirs). Explain it with four suitable examples. Answer: Answer: The primary activities are those belonging to the sector of the economy that makes direct use of the natural resources . The following are examples of industries that are considered … (iv) (ii) They involve the commercial output of services. Accommodation and food services such as hotels, casinos, special food services, drinking places, and restaurants. (CBSE 2005, 12, 13) India, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia are the fast emerging countries of medical tourism in the world. Quinary Sector. The Quinary … For example the gardener, the launderers and the barber do primarily physical labour. Question 2. The four types of economic activity, and some examples of each, are listed below.1) Primary Activity - This is the extractive sector of … In developing countries, the use of cell phones, made possible by satellites, is important for rural connectivity. (iv) Retailers generally do not give credit to their customers. The highest level of decision makers or policy makers perform quinary activities. Exchange, involves trade, transport and communication facilities that are used to overcome distance. Explain with examples the significance of service sector in modern economic development of the world. State any three advantage in the modem world. (ii) It has made a great progress due to improvement in technology. Quinary Sector of Industry: Definition & Examples ... Population Characteristics of Highly Developed & Developing Countries 9:10 ... What is an example of quaternary economic activity? (i) It stands for Knowledge Processing Outsourcing. Question 14. This is the business activity concerned with the sale of goods directly to the consumers. (b) Trading Quinary activities are services that focus on the creation, rearrangement and interpretation of new and existing ideas; data interpretation and the use and evaluation of new technologies. Tertiary or service sector is more developed in developed countries. What are trading centers? Communication services involve the transmission of words and messages, facts and ideas. On such example of informal service is Mumbai’s dabbawalas. Quinary Activity is very Unique:-As Quinary Activity is a very very highly qualified economic activity, where the workers of this economic activity is called Golden Collar Worker. Also overhead costs are much lower, making it all the more profitable. (CBSE 2018) (c) Quinary activities, Question 1. They are not tied to resources, affected by the environment, or necessarily localized by market. It is these modern communication systems along with transportation that has made the concept of global village a reality. Tertiary occupation is important in modern economic development of the country. Answer: 2. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below: Question 1. Demand: Since the last century, the demand for holidays has increased rapidly. Answer: The output is indirectly measured in terms of wages and salaries. Transport is a service or facility by which persons, manufactured goods, and property are physically carried from one location to another. For example, in a large country like India or Russia, it is inevitable that certain areas like metropolitan centers posses^ better connectivity an access to the digital world versus peripheral rural areas. Low-order services, such as grocery, shops and laundries, are more common and widespread than high-order services or more specialized ones like those of accountants, consultants and physicians. 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