";s:4:"text";s:3133:"Established in 1979, Rowan Timber remains a family business head quartered near Airdrie where the company also runs a thriving saw mill. Rowan Timber Supplies - WOOD COMMISSION AGENT, Bathgate, EH48 2FG, Easter Inch Road 10, TEL: 01506630..., United Kingdom, On this page : Rowan Timber Supplies, GB100307588 A frequent business type near Rowan Timber Supplies Ltd is Road Haulage and Transport Services .. Rowan Timber Supplies Ltd. Unit 1-3 Block 3, Bathgate, EH48 2RX. Details for Rowan Timber Supplies Ltd in Unit 2, 10 Easter Inch Road, Easter Inch Industrial Estate, Bathgate, West Lothian, EH48 2FG Our branch network in Airdrie, Ayr, Bathgate, Dunfermline and Grangemouth supplies a full range of timber and other building materials to local tradesmen and individuals. Looking for insurance? Bathgate. Rowan Timber Suppliers (Scotland) Ltd Bathgate. Ayr. They are known for offering timber, fence panels, fencing, wood flooring, plywood, skirting board and decking. Timber. Smith and Frater is a long established leading supplier of a wide range of products to the building trade and construction industry. Burngrange Farm, West Calder, EH55 8HG. From our distribution site in Grangemouth in central Scotland we can offer a varied product selection, with service geared to suit either small or large renovation or … Unit 1, 10 Easterinch Road Easterinch Ind Estate Bathgate Scotland EH48 2PG 01506 630500 01506 630850 Other Branches. Woodford Timbers Products. 16 York Street, Ayr KA8 8AN. Details for Rowan Timber Supplies Ltd in Unit 2, 10 Easter Inch Road, Easter Inch Industrial Estate, Bathgate, West Lothian, EH48 2FG Unit 1, 10 Easterinch Road, Bathgate EH48 2PG. There is an insurance agent closeby lend assistance. The Rowan branch network has depots in Airdrie, Ayr, Bathgate, Dunfermline and Grangemouth to supply a full range of timber and other building materials to local tradesmen and individuals. Need a room for the night in Bathgate, West Lothian?There is a local hotel.The local Parking Garage offers a safe and secure place to leave your vehicle. Rowan Timber Supplies Ltd Bathgate is a timber merchant providing services locally. Airdrie-Bathgate Railway and Linked Improvements Bill Hearing held on Monday, 29 January 2007 Group 23 Rowan Timber Supplies Mr & Mrs Sim Assessor: Professor Hugh Begg Clerk to the Inquiry: Mr Fergus Cochrane For the Promoter: Mr Jonathan Lake Witnesses: Ms Jackie McLean Dr Bernadette McKell Williamson's Garden Centre Compl, Broxburn, EH52 6PA. Rembrand Timber Ltd. Bankside, Falkirk, FK2 7XJ. M G M Timber Scotland Ltd West Calder Metals. Our joinery workshops, based in Rowan Timber's head office and sawmill near Airdrie, supply bulk orders for staircases, doorsets and JJI-Joists to major house builders nationwide. Rowan Timber Supplies Ltd timber merchant’s address is Unit 1/10 EasterInch Rd /Easterinch Ind Est. Rowan Timber Supplies Ltd. 10 Easterinch Road, Bathgate, EH48 2FG. Considerable investment in our milling and treatment facility in central Scotland has enabled us to offer our customers the fast and flexible service which today's markets demand. ";s:7:"keyword";s:21:"rowan timber bathgate";s:5:"links";s:1297:"Flowers That Grow In Kansas,
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