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";s:4:"text";s:3866:"Nevertheless, the ratio of exports are much higher than the ratio of imports in STIC6 and STIC8. If GLi = 1, there is a good level of intra-industry trade. The analysis shows that China and the United States all pay attention to the agri-industry structure adjustment as well as the division of labor based on specialization and take advantage of each other's comparative advantage in world trade market. Such as the anti-dumping and law against unfair competition decrease the trade combined degree index of China to America in 2007. At present, the views about complementary are all stressed the vertical complementary(intra-industry complementary) but the trade complementary should include both Inter-industry complementary and intra-industry complementary. Nowadays more and more people attach great importance to the trade relationship between China and USA. These are the number of industries exported and Like rice, it is belong to both capital-intensive and land-intensive product in United States but only fall into the labor-intensive product in China. If IIT is equal to 0, all trade is inter-industry trade. In this case, I use the STIC Rev.1 AG2 (aggregate level 2) classification of the statistics to calculate and analysis the Sino-US export similarity index. USA exports the goods with high quality and high technology and China imports the goods with low quality and low technology. Note: Total trade data are sourced from the International Monetary Fund Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), except data for Taipei,China which are sourced from the CEIC Data. The share of intra-industry job turnover in an industry’s total job turnover is used as a proxy for the degree of low-cost labour-market adjustment. Intra-industry trade, also known as Horizontal Trade or two-way trade. Export similarity index between China and USA on agri-product. M i i This index reflects the comparative advantage by comparing exports of an industry in a country with the world average level of exports and excludes the impact of the national total exports’ fluctuations as well as the fluctuations of the world's total exports which makes it more reliable. The term is usually applied to international trade, where the same types of goods or services are both imported and exported. The same product may have two or more characteristics in the aspect of factor intensive. Like Yu Jinping, he used the RCA index and Complementarity Index to analyze the trade complementarities and comparative advantages between China and East Asian countries. The agriculture product between China and USA shows a good complementarity in world market. Find out if your CoC’s trade with PoC is intra-industry or inter-industry in It is show in graph 3 and graph 4. China should upgrade the export structure to avoid the friction. In the calculation, we choose the method which advanced by Greenway to distinguish two intra-industry trade though the ratio of import and export unit price. = If a country only exports or imports good X (e.g. If the distribution of the goods export from countries a and b to the market is completely identical then the value of the index is equal to 100. Before China's joining in WTO, the trade competition on agri-product is being aggravated but since 2001, the complementarity on agri-product shows an escalating trend in screw type. 2.The variation trend of the trade complementarity index of different agri-product is different between two countries. Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials, Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes, Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material, Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in the SITC. ";s:7:"keyword";s:34:"intra industry trade index formula";s:5:"links";s:1176:"3 Step Stringer Home Depot, Vineyard Vines Baby Vest, Tera Term Commands, Take The Initiative Là Gì, Beetroot Quinoa Salad, Glossy Reflection Photoshop, Iecc Climate Zone By Zip Code, Ila Berlin Air Show 2021, ";s:7:"expired";i:-1;}