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£8.99 iPhone 6s Plus Home Button Assembly. À partir de … New parts tested to strict quality standards. If you have water damage, a blown speaker, or an otherwise malfunctioning speaker, you'll want to replace this part. Customer Reviews. iFixit has you covered with parts, tools, and free repair guides. Beaucoup de nos produits sont couverts par notre garantie iFixit à … iFixit Insight iPhone 6s Plus Case. 55.861 FREE … Grab a toolkit for your iPhone 6s Plus model and fix your broken phone! All you need to do is remove the old screen and transfer the home button … All information on our warranty conditions can be found here. ID de tu iPhone. Repair with confidence! Fix the loudspeaker in your iPhone 6s Plus with this replacement part. This iPhone 6s Plus screen replacement includes all of the small parts pre-installed in the assembly, saving time and increasing the quality of your repair. Beaucoup de nos produits sont couverts par notre garantie iFixit à vie. The loudspeaker outputs speakerphone and media audio. This part comes with the front-facing camera, sensor assembly, and EMI shield already installed, making for an easier repair. iPhone 6s Plus Earpiece Speaker SKU: EU315005-4. We offer you the lifetime iFixit warranty on many products. À partir de €39,95 iPhone 6s Plus LCD Screen and Digitizer Full Assembly. Cet ensemble inclut le connecteur de charge Lightning, deux microphones et la prise jack. 100% factory tested for display performance, including luminance, color balance, camera, and speaker functionality. All of our replacement parts are tested to rigorous standards and backed by our industry-leading warranty. Tous les iPhone 6s Plus (Non compatible avec iPhone 6, 6 Plus, ou 6s) Garantie. Learn how to replace your iPhone 6s Plus’ screen.
Buscar partes por modelo. Réparez l'écran de votre iPhone 6s Plus ! No sabes que modelo tienes?

€29,95 Add to Cart ... iFixit Opening Tool ; iPhone 6s Plus Display Assembly Adhesive ; Compatibility. Repair a sticky or nonfunctional home button. Now you can show off the insides of your iPhone with our new Insights iPhone cases. Tous les iPhone 6s Plus (Non compatible avec iPhone 6, 6 Plus, or 6s) SPÉCIFICATIONS LCD: Aftermarket Garantie. Vous trouverez toutes les informations à ce sujet ici. Use these custom adhesive strips to secure the battery of an iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, or iPhone 7 Plus to the rear case.
iPhone 6 Plus/6s Plus/7 Plus Battery Adhesive Strips . Il est compatible avec tous les modèles d'iPhone 6s Plus (non compatible avec iPhone 6, 6 Plus ou 6s). We live to share gadget guts with the world.
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