See more. Disbursements are all expenses that the agents made for the vessel in a port. ... disbursement - amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible (as opposed to capital expenditures) disbursal, expense. The Disbursement Fee for importation into India will be 2.5% of the import duties and taxes subject to a minimum of INR 500 per shipment, whichever is greater. A Disbursement Fee based on the amount advanced will be assessed and billed.
A company uses disbursement accounts to control money it ponies up for expenses as diverse as payroll, litigation, regulatory fines, equipment maintenance and office supplies. Fee Reimbursement. Disbursement definition, the act or an instance of disbursing. The act or process of disbursing.
Any account the business relies on to monitor what comes out of — and what comes into — corporate cellars qualifies as an outflow account. In ocean marine insurance policies, the term disbursements relates to all expenses of the shipping company before the start of a journey, such as the costs for bunkers, provisions, inventory, outgoing port duties, etc. For example, an attorney may charge $1 per page for each fax sent when the actual cost may have been 5 cents for the total fax. Although the disbursement invoice’s primary purpose is to obtain reimbursement, the invoice may include a markup.
n. 1. disbursements synonyms, disbursements pronunciation, disbursements translation, English dictionary definition of disbursements. Define disbursements. Think of port duties, loading and unloading costs, tugs, provisions, etc.
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