The new Office 365 Message Encryption (OME) capabilities allow organizations to share protected email with anyone on any device. Protect sensitive emails Help reduce the risk of unintended disclosure by encrypting and rights-protecting email messages sent both inside and outside your organization. The new Office 365 Message Encryption capabilities make it easier to share protected emails with anybody—inside or outside your organization. The new Office 365 Message Encryption capabilities make it easier to share protected emails with anybody—inside or outside your organization. For more information, see Set up new Microsoft 365 Message Encryption capabilities built on top of Azure Information Protection. Encrypted messages in action. You can only revoke messages and apply expiration dates to messages that users receive through the portal. Additionally, the Encrypt-Only feature (the option under the Encrypt button) is only enabled for subscribers (Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise users) that also use Exchange Online. Office 365 Advanced Message Encryption offers additional capabilities on top of the new OME capabilities. Note: Microsoft 365 Message Encryption is part of the Office 365 Enterprise E3 license. Protect sensitive emails Help reduce the risk of unintended disclosure by encrypting and rights-protecting email messages sent both inside and outside your organization.
In this example, Sara is sending an encrypted message to Damien. Sara uses Microsoft 365 and Outlook, while Damien uses Gmail. You must have the new Office 365 Message Encryption capabilities set up in your organization in order to use the Advanced Message Encryption capabilities. Users can exchange protected messages with other Office 365 organizations, as well as non-Office 365 customers using Outlook.com, Gmail, and other email services. Simply open the web-view link to see the encrypted message. Additionally, admins can set up mail flow rules in Microsoft 365 to automatically encrypt emails based on keyword matching or other conditions. With Office 365 Message Encryption, users can send encrypted email from Outlook and Outlook on the web. With Office 365 Advanced Message Encryption, anytime you apply a custom branding template, Office 365 applies a wrapper to email that fits the mail flow rule to which you apply the template.
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