";s:4:"text";s:1800:" JP; ENG; The Terrace Ocean’s Club provides you a variety of Catamaran Boat Menu that takes you out to the Ocean from the yacht harbor in front of the Chatan Harbor Brewery and Restaurant. External Link to CCPortal application. First Time User Help. J.P. Morgan Commercial Card.
Opens in a new window. 〒904-0035.
Listing not found, expand your search criteria and try again. SUNSET CRUISE & DINNER( PDF) The sunset cruise plan includes the Catamaran Boat Cruise and Dinner at the Chatan Harbor Brewery & Restaurant. Enjoy the taste of the just brewed craft beer at our beer bar overglassing the powerful presense of Brewing Barrels of the Brewery. Customer Service. 沖縄県沖縄市南桃原4丁目13-1. Opens in a new window. We have a variety of discerning food menu you can enjoy the marriage with our original craft beers.