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A 4-oz. Break up tofu into small, 1 to 1 1/2-inch nugget-sized pieces using your hands. Heat oil to 355 degrees F (180 degrees C). If you are a left-to-right reader, the title is "Deep-Fried Tofu … Add to the batter and swirl using your hands to evenly coat. To compare, white tofu contains around 140 calories, 14g of protein, and around 8g of fat. Calories wise, deep-fried tofu is not as rich as you may believe.

Per 100g, it contains around 190 calories with 12g of protein and around 11g of fat.

The package says, "Mandarin Soyfoods Deep Fried Tofu".

If you’ve tried tofu and thought it tasted like a floppy, flavorless blob, this crispy tofu will redeem your experience. Dip the tofu in the egg. chilies, salt, deep fried tofu, turmeric, cayenne chilies, bay leaf and 9 more Poori Bhaji ~ Deep Fried Indian Flatbread and Potato Curry The Big Sweet Tooth mustard seeds, salt, semolina, all purpose flour, garlic paste and 15 more Fry the tofu in two batches, flipping halfway through, until golden brown and crisp, 3 minutes. The title as currently phrased had me believing they were the fried tofu pouches I was looking for. It is then served in a brown sauce that is garlicky and slightly sweet. In case it matters, I bought that at the Canadian Superstore in Richmond, BC. Heat the oil in a deep skillet to 375 degrees F. Cover a second baking sheet with more paper towels. Most of the additional calories in the deep fried tofu come from the fat from the frying process.

When making this dish at home, I prefer to use a lazier method and bake the tofu instead of deep-frying. serving of deep fried tofu contains 10 g of total fat and 1.6 g of saturated fat. Transfer to a rack; season with salt. If you LOVE the deep fried tofu you’ve eaten at restaurants and want an easier, healthier version you can make at home (no frying required), this crispy tofu is about to become your most bookmarked recipe. Place the beaten eggs in a wide, shallow dish.

The original crispy tofu snack is deep fried until crispy and golden. Top Navigation Explore By comparison, the same size serving of plain firm tofu contains 4.7 g of total fat and 0.9 g of saturated fat. IS DEEP-FRIED TOFU HEALTHY? They are not fried tofu pouches. These numbers are just estimates and will depend on the brand of tofu used. Serve with the sweet potatoes, coleslaw and ketchup sauce.

Slices of tofu are coated with egg and deep-fried in this Korean-inspired vegetarian dish served alongside a tart and spicy dipping sauce. They appear to have already been deep-fried. If you try it once you’d be surprised how amazing the tofu turns out. Fill a pot or deep fryer 3 to 4 inches full with oil and set over medium-low heat.

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