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But what … Original poster. Leave a Reply.

You can connect an external hard drive over USB or Thunderbolt (or FireWire, for older Macs) for a wired connection, or over a network for a wireless connection. The next Time Machine backup did in fact place the iCloud changed file into the Backups.backupdb folder.

Time Machine can be complicated about restoring to a new or refurbished machine, and iCloud is unreliable about syncing. It’s not a corrupt system, and it’s just not right. Do you use Time Machine or iCloud for your backups? All recommended, trusting Apple’s chosen system is not your best bet. Time Machine is Apple's built-in solution for backing up macOS. Within minutes it appears that iCloud on my Mac detected that the file changed and actually re-downloaded the physical file to my local drive. Long term I'd wager that Time Machine will be phased out in favor of application data being synced via iCloud ala iOS. Furthermore, you can restore all data from iCloud backup to a new Mac over the air. Time Machine backs up every hour, deleting older backups as the backup drive starts running out of space.

That’s because it’s designed specifically for the hardware it runs on — and vice versa.

Time Machine Votes: 2 18.2% iCloud Votes: 0 0.0% Both Votes: 8 72.7% Other Votes: 1 9.1% Total voters 11; vbctv macrumors 6502. I agree that backup via iCloud is a better experience.

Sep 25, 2013 498 249 Cleveland, OH.

Oct 27, 2019 #1 I was with my friend the other day at the Apple Store and the Apple lady told him as long as his files were backed up to iCloud… macOS is the operating system that powers every Mac.

Once you set up iCloud to back up files on your Mac, it can work automatically. As a result, you could move Time Machine backup to iCloud for further usage. You might also like… 16. Related.

Even though there is only 5 GB free iCloud … Apple has a built-in characteristic for this named Time Machine and suggests backing all files up in iCloud. It lets you do things you simply can’t with other computers. Please Login …

By the way, before iCloud Drive arrived, OS X had something some people called "mobile time machine" which is basically a backup system of Time Machine which allows you to recover deleted files without an external hard drive, and it was possible because your Mac would store deleted files in the hidden directory in the system. We’ve shown you how to back up and restore macOS from Time Machine , but today we’re going to dive in a little more and show you how restoring from Recovery Mode looks. However from what I see here it may … I'm sure Apple feels the same way.

But if you’ve got a Time Machine backup, that’s not necessary: you can fully restore your Mac, and have all your applications and files exactly as you left them.

Tags: Apple Notes, backups, iCloud, Notes, Time Machine, tips. Part 2: How to Backup MacBook to iCloud. The Mac Observer's Videos. And these are reasons why the Mac needs iCloud backup.

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