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The Google app keeps you in the know about things that matter to you.

Under "Google-wide controls," tap Web & App activity. Step 2: Choose what updates you get. Key points: A broad Google algorithm happened in September 2019, and publishers plagued with technical issues, particularly from AMP has experienced this issue; There has been a change in how Google discovers News and Discover …

AMP Stories, being a visually-driven content format launched by Google, is sure to dominate the Discover feed and eventually Google … Read guidelines See my site's AMP status. If you have content on Discover, you can monitor your performance using the Performance Report for Discover.

Open AMP report Google … Search and browse: - Nearby shops and restaurants - Live sports scores and schedules - Movies times, casts, and reviews - Videos and images - News, stock … Learn how to implement your AMP pages to get the most out of them in Google Search. Find quick answers, explore your interests, and stay up to date with Discover. Google Feed is now officially rebranded as Google Discover.
To customize Discover, turn on "Web & App Activity,” which saves your searches, browsing history, and other activity in your Google Account. Learn more AMP guidelines for Google Search.

AMP can be applied across various web touch points Used by popular and global platforms like Google, Bing and Twitter, AMP allows you to ensure users from all these surfaces get an unparalleled, often instantaneous and native-feeling experience by defaulting to AMP pages when available. The more you use the Google app, the better it gets. Causes on Google AMP & Disover traffic drop; How to diagnose it; Expectations once the next broad algorithm takes place and continuing the recovery process.

AMP pages load faster and look better than standard HTML pages on mobile devices. Developer Benefits . Along with the name change, there are new features and Discover will appear on Google.com when viewing with your mobile device browser. So, images, videos, infographics will have more visibility than mere textual content. Ensure that Google has the rights to display your high-quality images to users, either by using AMP or by filling out this form to express your interest in our opt-in program.
Turn on Web & App Activity.

AMP – or Accelerated Mobile Pages – is an open-source project created by Google, in part as a response to Facebook’s Instant Articles. With Discover, Google is now focusing more on the visual content. Monitor your performance on Discover.

Its … Maintain flexibility and control and reduce complexity in your … See which AMP pages Google can find and crawl on your site, and which pages have errors. Tap More Your data in Search. On your Android phone or tablet, open your Google app .
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