";s:4:"text";s:1216:" Cover the crepe batter with plastic wrap and leave in the fridge to rest overnight or if limited for time 1 hour. Tip the pan around to spread the batter evenly and cook for about 30 seconds to a minute, or until the top has set, then flip the crepe using a spatula or your hands, and cook for 30 seconds more. They are thin and slightly crispy on the outer edges. Photos updated May 8, 2019. This easy French Crêpe Recipe is adapted from Julia Child’s basic crêpe recipe, and will walk you through how to make paper-thin French Crêpes at home! Using a kitchen brush, brush the pan with melted butter and pour in about a ¼ cup of crepe batter. Use a crepe tool or tip the pan around to spread the batter evenly.