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The issue caused the Twitter for Android app to …

The privacy breach is said to have taken place worldwide, including India. Twitter today began emailing Android users about a security issue that “could have compromised” accounts. External storage. Twitter disclosed on its Help Center page today that some Android users had their private tweets revealed for years due to a security flaw. There are three fundamental ways to save data on the device: Internal storage. The following paragraphs describe the security issues associated with each approach. Twitter breach revives security issues with cloud computing Concerns are the same as with any outsourcing, remote data access, IT managers say Twitter disclosed a security issue on Thursday that had exposed protected tweets on Android devices – for more than four years. The most common security concern for an application on Android is whether the data that you save on the device is accessible to other apps.

Twitter has uncovered a security vulnerability in its Android app that could put users direct messages and location information at risk. Twitter fixed a bug in its Android App that exposed Protected Tweets ... “We’ve become aware of an issue in Twitter for Android that disabled the “Protect your Tweets” setting if certain account changes were made.” reads the security advisory published by the compan y.

Microblogging website Twitter, on December 21, admitted that a malicious code was inserted into its mobile-app that may have compromised some user’s information. Content providers. Fixed several weeks ago, there’s no “evidence that this was exploited,” but the company is encouraging all to update.

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