UC Irvine medical students can obtain an MD/MBA..
University of California at Irvine – Paul Merage School of Business Executive MBA. Yes.
Read about University of California Irvine’s Paul Merage School of Business, one of the world's top MBA programs.
Full-time and part-time MBA degrees with evening and weekend classes available. University of California, Irvine - The Paul Merage School of Business Full-Time MBA Recruitment and Admissions 4293 Pereira Drive, SB1 Suite 5400 Irvine , CA 92697-3125 United States merage.uci.edu United States. This is a five-year program that medical students apply for in their second year and begin the MBA portion of their education between their third and fourth years in medical school. University of California Irvine Office of Undergraduate Admissions C/O: North Campus Distribution Services 19182 Jamboree Road Irvine, CA 92612 949-824-6703 | admissions@uci.edu San Diego's #1 full-time, evening and executive MBA … The UC Irvine Graduate Division mission is to serve as a catalyst for a world-class graduate educational experience, to foster oversight and communication of institutional academic policies, and to provide resources and essential services to promote the diversity and success of the next generation of leaders. "Our faculty and students are committed to pursuing meaningful research, pioneering innovations in teaching and learning, and pursuing engagement in our local communities to serve the public good." The UCI School of Education is focused on advancing educational sciences and contributing to improved educational opportunities and outcomes for all individuals across the entire lifespan. View class and employment stats, tuition, mba rankings analysis, GMAT/GRE requirements and more. MBA programs at the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego. UCI's Paul Merage School of Business combines the academic strengths and best traditions of the University of California with the cutting-edge, entrepreneurial spirit of Orange County in the heart of America's Tech Coast.
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