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$25 off retail $124.99 your price $99.99 + ships free. I opened the box and pulled out the stand and unfolded it. MINOURA will continue to enhance product development and planning to keep our 80 … Buy PART NUM 663786. I got it on sale for $34.00 and using my Performance Team Points it knocked it down to $28.00 (not including tax or shipping). 2 Bike.
The stand arrived via FedEx a couple days later. Minoura DSX-1 Multi-Fit One Bike Floor Stand. They are known the world over for quality craftsmanship and design and all trainers are made within Minoura’s own factory in Japan. They’re a great option if you travel frequently with your bike, or you don’t have a dedicated work area set up at home. Get the best deals on Minoura Bicycle Workstands when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. They’re a great option if you travel frequently with your bike, or you don’t have a dedicated work area set up at home. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. The Spin Doctor is the Performance brand of the Minoura Pro Truing Stand. Tools from Minoura’s work as well in a shop as they do in a garage.
For 80 years the family owned Minoura of Japan has been a manufacturer of outstanding cycling trainers, rollers and accessories. I was getting ready to go for a ride. Our dedication to development and innovation has made BIKE HAND the home of professional bicycle tools manufacturer.

Just lean to the wall Durable steel tubing pillar Widely opened legs support load stiffly Holds 2 bikes (cannot add cradles) … read more. The most essential tool to any home workshop is a bike stand, as this will allow you to stand your bike in the ideal position when carrying out repair or maintenance work. We has been manufacturing bicycle specific tools around world and hold many patents of innovation.

BIKE HAND was established in 1988. There is no assembly, it's a no brainer. Bike Work Stands Fixing your bike can be fun, presuming you have the correct tools. Minoura Gravity Stand 2. Super easy setup. Compact bike stands are easily folded for storage when not in use. Clearance In Store Ships Free. About Minoura - "Bicycle use has changed greatly in the last 10 years but we see a bright future in cycling and stay committed to developing products that everyone can understand.
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