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Strawberry Music Festival The legacy continues!


Thank you for the beautiful year that was! In accordance with the California Department of Public Health directive that all non essential gatherings should be postponed or canceled until further guidance is issued, the Spring 2020 Strawberry Music Festival has been postponed until next year.

Join us for our 38th season at Strawberry Spring 2020; May 21-25, in beautiful Grass Valley, Ca. While our team is busy dreaming up another wild adventure for you all, don’t forget to enjoy our photo highlights from 2019 and register for pre-sales for the next wonderful edition of Strawberry Fields.

Strawberry Fields - Celebrating 10 Years in The Wildlands. Music Festival Wizard is dedicated to covering the scene, the experience, and the music with news, lineups, reviews, and commentary. STRAWBERRY MUSIC FESTIVAL POSTPONED TO 2021. ©2020 Strawberry Music, Inc., All Rights Reserved | Website Design by Laura Bowly Design | Webmaster The Strawberry Hill Music Festival takes place on Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 June 2020, incorporating the new Evening Picnic Concert with The ELO Experience as well as the traditional Strawberry Hill Music & … March 27, 2020. See you this summer somewhere down the gypsy road. We love music festivals as much as you do. Music.'

The tagline of the Strawberry Music Festival, a lively, four-day event in May, says it all.Held at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley, about an hour north of Sacramento, the festival hosts dozens of musical acts playing bluegrass, blues, folk, swing, indie rock, gospel, Cajun and Celtic music—and probably some unlabelled genres too.

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