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Current Probes for Lab Scopes and Multimeters Just because a lab scope does not automatically scale or label its screen for current does not mean it cannot be used with current probes. TEKTRONIX TYPE 134 CURRENT PROBE AMPLIFIER. The Tektronix TCPA400 AC/DC Current Probe Amplifier, 50 MHz DC with the TCP404XL current probe measures 500A DC continuous and 750A DC continuous (derated with duty cycle). They can be AC coupled, using current transformer technology or AC/DC coupled. Sein Arbeitsbereich erstreckt sich von Gleichstrom bis zu etwa 50 Megahertz. These three probes provide current measurement capabilities of 30A, 50A, and 150A DC continuous (respectively). Using split core construction, the current probe easily clips on and off of a conductor, making it unnecessary to make an electrical connection to the circuit. Tektronix current probe solutions offer: The broadest range of AC/DC and AC-only current probes. General purpose 1000A AC current probe for instruments that require a 5A current input. Tektronix AM5030 Current Probe Amplifier The AM5030 Current Probe Amplifier with General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) adds programmability. Works as a traditional current transformer (ratios of 250:5, 500:5 or 1000:5) and has an output of 5mA per amp measured in the jaw. A lineup of non-contact voltage probes and non-contact CAN sensors that Deflection factor: 1 mA/div to 5 A/div for 6302; 20 mA/div to 50 A/div for 6303.

Rise time: <7 ns 6302; <23 ns 6303. Keysight current probes use a hybrid technology that includes a Hall effect sensor, which senses the DC current and a current transformer, which senses the AC current.

Bandwidth: >50 MHz 6302; >15 MHz 6303. The current probe amplifier range should be set so the DC current represents a large portion of the dynamic range but does not exceed the dynamic range. The main features of our growing current-sense amplifier IC portfolio are: Up to 70 V line monitoring Integrated solutions (for example, inclusion of EMI filtering on output) for faster design times and a reduced BOM Robust devices TEKTRONIX TYPE 134 Current Probe Amplifier - $70.38. Best-in-class current clamp sensitivity down to 1 mA. 電流プローブは、導体を流れる電流を検知し、オシロスコープで表示/測定できる電圧に変換します。Keysightの電流プローブは、DC電流を検知するホール効果センサと、AC電流を検知する電流トランスを使用した、ハイブリッド・テクノロジーを採用しています。 AM503 Current Probe Amplifier Der Tektronix AM 503 ist ein Verstärker für Stromzangen im kombinierten AC und DC Bereich. The AM5030 enables you to use automated techniques to make wide bandwidth AC/DC current measurements. Measurement accuracy from uAs to 2000 A. Best-in-class bandwidth up to 120 MHz. Current probes are designed to offer a convenient way of measuring current. The Tektronix TCPA300 AC/DC Current Probe Amplifier, 100 MHz DC, when used with TCP312A, TCP305A, or TCP303 probes, provides a wide range of current measurement capability and spans the gap between low-level milliamp measurements to very high current levels. For best accuracy, choose a range setting where the DC current being sensed represents between 3 … The only products with 3rd Party Safety Certification (UL, CSA, ETL) Maximum input current: 20A for 6302; 100A for 6303. Condition is Used. These probes measure the magnetic field created by the current and convert that measurement to a voltage which the scope displays as a waveform, and the multimeter displays as digits. In either case they include a split-core geometry that makes it easy to enclose the current carrying conductor without having to … Hioki current probes and sensors deliver broadband, high-accuracy performance from current probes for oscilloscopes to current sensors for power meters. Tektronix AM503B CURRENT PROBE AMPLIFIER ※当ページの一番下に詳細な写真を多数掲載しておりますのでご購入前に必ず写真にて商品状態をご確認下さい。 お問い合わせ番号ST2252036 商品説明・仕様メーカー Tektronix テクトロニクス型番 AM503B商品名 CURRENT PROBE AMPLIFIER カーレントプローブ 付属品PROBE … Current Probe. Model Description Buy Now Price 016-1923-00 264524079766 Tektronix AM503 Current Probe Amplifier Allows for current display on any oscilloscope. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Current probes.

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