Google has updated its article schema document for AMP articles to require larger images in your markup.
It is the metadata.
The image itself is not the issue. You can use the amp_post_template_metadata filter to customize the image field to either remove it or change it to something else.
Originally, Google asked for the image size to be a minimum of 696px wide. Description : amp_loop_image is a function name in our AMP plugin by using this function we can display featured image in the loop on your homepage, archive pages, and related posts, etc.
The following guidelines have. WordPress image sizes look like a trivial thing, but in fact, can give you a headache.
For example: add_filter( 'amp_post Sometimes you will find that the image you upload doesn’t fulfill the desired image size that you want. 切手・フレーム切手・はがき・レターパック・年賀はがきの通販なら郵便局のネットショップ「切手・はがき・コレクショングッズストア」。5,000円以上の注文は送料負担なし。(一部商品を除く) To solve this, you can try two methods New AMP Image Size Height and Width [Updated – January 2019] Although Google has only recommended the width of AMP images for articles, they have also mentioned the aspect ratio of images.
The new size is a minimum of 1200px wide, almost double the width… amp-img components, like all externally fetched AMP resources, must be given an explicit size (as in width / height) in advance, so that the aspect ratio can be known without fetching the image. Google has updated their AMP help articles that changes the minimum image size requirements for AMP articles, increasing the size of the image significantly.
Actual layout behavior is determined by the layout attribute.