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Image:iconawip.png work in progress

Content description

  • Name : labels are usually printed out distinctly by profiles, panes, typologies. Hence in this field the user will set e code in order to distinguish the label.
  • Type : the label type
  • Arrangement : the printing order of the labels
  • Desc : the label description
  • Printer type : the default printer for the label
  • Labels per row/column : the number of labels per page to print
  • Borders : if enabled, label borders will be printer for the alignment
  • Handle used labels : if enabled, the sheet management will ask the number of rows already used
  • Step x/y : establishes the horizontal and the vertical step of each label, comprised the space amid the labels of the same row and column.
  • O lt/top : the left and the top margin of the sheet
  • Width/Height : the dimensions of the label
  • Top/Sill/L jb/R jb : the margin of the informations printed out within the label.
  • image:tastoutilizzi.png:
  • image:tastostampante.png:

Label fields

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