Hardware driver

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Hardware drivers
Note N.B: To access this window from Opera Job Management: open Archives menu, then select Hardware driver


  • File:cache2.png: Clears cache data. You have to confirm your choice in order to proceed.
  • File:importa.png: Allows to import accessoires images from catalogue. Pressing this button will open the following window
  • Optimizes picture: After analyzing the imported image, Opera will convert it in a most suitable format if necessary
  • Sovrascrivi: If selected, existing images will be overwritten during the importing process.
  • Squeeze picture: If selected, imported images are saved in a compressed format.
  • Transparency: Sets the transparency tipe of the image (none/Darker/First pixel). This is used to remove background color from images
  • File:cache.png: opens Data cache window.

AGB3000 driver

Content description

  • Use cache: If enabled, all results are stored to speed up calculation process
  • Cache pathFile:tastod.png: The cache files directory
  • Overwrite prices: If enabled, al prices are overwritten when importing data
  • Differ cache by job: If enabled, every job will create a new cache file.
  • Cache saving timeout: The maximum waiting time for the cache file to be saved.
  • AGB3000 path File:tastod.png: AGB3000 data folder.

iT!Exit driver

Content description

  • Use cache: If enabled, all results are stored to speed up calculation process
  • Percorso input File:tastod.png: iT!Exit data folder.
  • Percorso icone articoli: iT!Exit icons folder.
  • Percorso icone gruppi: iT!Exit icon groups folder.


Content description

  • Use cache: If enabled, all results are stored to speed up calculation process
  • Cache pathFile:tastod.png: The cache files directory
  • Overwrite prices: If enabled, al prices are overwritten when importing data
  • Differ cache by job: If enabled, every job will create a new cache file.
  • Cache saving timeout: The maximum waiting time for the cache file to be saved.
  • Percorso MaicoWin File:tastod.png: MaicoWin data folder.
  • Percorso di scambio File:tastod.png: MaicoWin exchange folder.
  • Client: If enabled, allows client mode access if MaicoWin is installed on a different computer.
  • Colore standard: The default color to use if none is specified during the request process.
  • Cliente: In questo campo viene specificato il cliente da indicare al MaicoWin.
  • Descrizione lunga: Activate this field if the value LongArtText=1 has been specified in MaicoWin config.
  • Par:: The

Roto WinBus driver

Content description

  • Use cache: If enabled, all results are stored to speed up calculation process
  • Cache pathFile:tastod.png: The cache files directory
  • Overwrite prices: If enabled, al prices are overwritten when importing data
  • Differ cache by job: If enabled, every job will create a new cache file.
  • Cache saving timeout: The maximum waiting time for the cache file to be saved.
  • Percorso input File:tastod.png: Roto Winbus data folder.
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