Printer setup
From Opera Wiki
N.B: To access this window from Opera Job Management: open Options menu, then select Printer setup
Il Setup stampe è quella parte del programma dove l’operatore stabilisce alcuni parametri che determinano le caratteristiche di tutte le stampe prodotte dal programma.
Content description
- Characters proportion: the character proportions in the print-outs.
N.B: if you set the size to 200, it will be double compared to the normal size, whereas if you set it to 50, the size will be reduced by 50%.
- Material characters prop: characters’ proportion size within the order list.
- Panes characters prop: characters’ proportion size within the panes order bill.
- Top/Bottom /Left/Right margin: the printout margins from the edges of the sheet.
- Barcode formast: the barcode encoding type.
- : opens Letterhead.
- : opens headings.
- : opens window chart print settings.