Order categories
From Opera Wiki
N.B: To access this box in Opera Order Management: from the Warehouse menu, select Order Categories
Order Category Management allows at the warehouse level to create separate Order documents by category, for example by delivery time, or by specific custom keys.
Nome: It is the name of the category
Descrizione: It is the description of the category
Fornitore: identifies which supplier the category refers to
Tipo: allows you to define a type:
- Nessuno: Does not make any distinction between documents from the same supplier
- Ordini distinti: Create separate orders in case there are multiple categories
Alias: allows you to define a different name to be shown on the screen when the materials list is present
Colore: identifies the category with a color
- Nessuno: does not handle any conditions for documents from the same vendor
- Consegna: condition that is based on the delivery time of the items.
- Minimo e Massimo: define the range of delivery times to be referred to.
- Chiave di ricerca: Allows documents to be managed based on specific search keys entered in the articles
- Chiave: defines the key to refer to
N.B: The condition Delivery takes the delivery time of the items as a reference. For this setting, enhance the delivery field in the prices. See Finished kg. prices archive|Series prices, Profile prices, Accessory prices, Coloring prices
N.B: The condition Search Key allows you to define the key, which is then searched in the item archives. For this setting, the field Key must be defined in Profiles Archive or in Accessories Archive
Priorità: the definition of this field, allows you to force the creation of a single order by giving precedence according to priority.