Units of measurement

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Note N.B: Per accedere a questo riquadro in Opera Gestione Commesse: dal menù Opzioni, selezionare il pulsante Unità di misura

  • U.M. lunghezza archivi: Units of measurement of lengths on file.
  • U.M. lunghezza taglio: Default unit of measurement for cut lengths.
  • U.M. peso: Units of measurement of weights.
  • U.M. peso per lunghezza dei profili: Unit of measurement of specific gravity by length of profiles.
  • U.M. lunghezza tipologie: Units of lengths in type sizes.
  • U.M. quadratura tipologie: Unit of measurement of the surface area of types.
  • U.M. prezzo per superficie: Unit of measurement of prices per area.
  • U.M. lunghezza listini: Units of measurement of lengths in lists.
  • U.M. prezzo profili per lunghezza: Unit of price measurement by length of profiles.
  • U.M. prezzo serie per peso: Unit of measurement of price profiles by weight in the series.
  • U.M. prezzo per volume: Unit of measurement of price profiles per volume in the series.
  • U.M. peso accessori: Unit of measurement of accessory weight.
  • U.M. minimo di fatturazione per superficie: Unit of measurement of minimum billing per area.
  • U.M. prezzo colorazione per superficie: Unit of measurement of coloration price per surface area.
  • U.M. prezzo colorazione per peso: Unit of measurement of coloration price by weight.
  • U.M. prezzo colorazione per tipologia: Unit of measurement of coloration price by surface type.
  • U.M. tempo tipologie: Unit of measurement of working time by type.
  • U.M. tempo Gantt: Units of measurement of durations in the Gantt chart.
  • U.M. distanza: Units for measuring distances.
  • U.M. trasmittanza termica: Unit of measurement of thermal transmittance.
  • U.M. trasmittanza termica lineare: Unit of measurement of linear thermal transmittance.
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