How to manage id codes by structure

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Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Design Sheet, select the File:tastimostraN.png button with the right mouse button

This function makes it possible to identify with a Structure ID code, the parts that make up a typology consisting of several structures.

Section 1: In the Design Sheet

  • The field ID:: if something is entered, it is used as a prefix.
  • File:tastocopiaidstruttura.png: copies to the different structures the ids entered in the ID field.
  • File:tastoeliminaidstruttura.png: deletes entered ids.
  • File:tastoletteraleidstruttura.png: inserts a letter for each structure, in order of creation.
  • File:tastonumericoidstruttura.png: inserts a number for each structure, in order of creation.
  • File:tastonumericopertelaioidstruttura.png: inserts the same code for the independent frames of the structure.
  • File:tastonumericopercolonnaidstruttura.png: inserts one number per column, starting from the left.
  • File:tastonumericopercolonnaidstrutturasx.png: inserts one number per column, starting from the right.
  • File:tastoletteralepercolonnaidstruttura.png: inserts one letter per column, starting from the left.
  • File:tastoletteralepercolonnaidstrutturasx.png: inserts one letter per column, starting from the right.

Section 2: In the series

  • Generate structure ID: the function allows automatic codes to be generated for the types belonging to the selected series. From the paired menu, it is possible to choose the ID for the structure (Literal, Numeric ID, Numeric ID per column, Numeric ID per frame, Literal per column).
  • Separator: field for entering a suffix. It is activated with the choice of ID code.
  • From the right: is activated by the ID code Letter by column.

Section 3: Type data in the Design Sheet.

  • Generate structure ID: the function allows automatic codes to be generated for the types belonging to the selected series. From the paired menu, it is possible to choose the ID for the structure (Literal, Numeric ID, Numeric ID per column, Numeric ID per frame, Literal per column).
  • Separator: field for entering a suffix. It is activated with the choice of ID code.
  • From the right:: is activated by the ID code Letter by column.
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