How to create a new system

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The systems archive
Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Archives menu, select the button Systems


  • Click on the File:+.png button to create a new empty system
  • Type the name you want to give the new system and the name of the materials supplier;
  • To save the entered data, click on the File:Record.png button.
Note N.B: The latter operation is always necessary because series are matched to each system; therefore, after naming the system you need to enter the series by clicking on the Image:keyseries.png

By clicking on the File:+.png button we can enter the name of the series.

In the central part of the box are fields in which standard data can be entered for profiles in the series. This means that the operator can enter data, which is the same for all profiles that are part of the series, and which the program will automatically record in Profile Archive when loading profiles.

You have created a new system with its series.

How to set prices to series

Go to the Archives menu and click on the Systems submenu:

We select the File:Edit.png button, to enter the system, and then, in the next frame, the File:keyseries.png button

The System Series Management panel will open, where we will click on the File:Edit.png button and then on File:Prices.png :

The Prices panel will open, where you will enter price data:

Click File:+.png to create a price inherent in a coloration or finish; determine the finish or coloration.If you manage prices on a finish basis, remember that it is not necessary to also enter the coloration as explained in the relevant section and chapter in this manual; conversely, if you manage prices on a coloration basis not related to a finish, it is not necessary to enter the finish. Type in the price and possibly enter the discount. Now you can record by pressing File:Record.png. If you want to enter other prices related to other colors or finishes repeat the operation, otherwise press File:ok.png to exit the picture. Continue pressing the File:Register.png and File:ok.png buttons to return to the Systems Archive.

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