Discount rates

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The table of list discount classes
Note N.B: To access this framework: from the List menu, select the item Discount rates.


Section 1: the filters

  • TypeFile:tastomenutendina.png: show class types selected from a drop-down menu (Buy or Sell)

Section 2: the action keys

  • File:tastopiu.pngFile:tastomeno.pngFile:tastodiverso.pngFile:tastouguale.png: Keys for inserting, deleting, editing and copying a document
  • The key File:tastoexcel.png allows documents in the Technical Catalogs archive to be exported to an excel sheet.

Section 3: document master data

  • Type: in this field we specify the type of class we intend to create.
  • Name: In these fields we indicate the name of the discount class.
  • Desc.: allows you to enter a description for the discount class.
  • Sconto: field that allows you to define the value of the discount class.
  • Data/Ora: fields that allow you to indicate the date and time.

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