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Revision as of 10:01, 7 June 2011 by Fabrizio.Loddo (Talk | contribs)
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Image:iconawip.png work in progress

Note N.B: To access this window from Opera Job Management: open Archives menu, then select Suppliers; or select Clients from Jobs menu

This archive allows to manage quotations, along with all the commercial data (flat costs, selling prices, order quantity...) and technical data (cutting list, optimization, machining assembly...) of the job.

Content description

  • File:tastostampa2.png: prints out the job list, along with status detail and additional info.
  • File:tastofloppy.png: this button allows to import and export jobs. The process can be carried out in different ways:
  • File:backup.png: the job will be saved in the external backup folder.
  • File:cartcomm.png: same as above, but user can choose the destination folder.
  • File:joz.png: the job will be saved as a single archive in a JOZ file format (Job Opera Zip).
  • File:email.png: same as above, but the joz file is automatically loaded as an email attachment, ready to be sent.
Note NOTE:
In order to restore a job backup, Opera must be set up to work with the same archive from which the job backup was created
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