Glass retainer

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Revision as of 18:08, 26 September 2024 by Lyna.Ferhi (Talk | contribs)
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This is the footprint value measured to the beginning of the chamber of the profile to which it is connected.


This is the depth of the glass bead.

Note N.B: This value will be considered when calculating the glass-space of the profile on which the glass is to be mounted.

Window stopper assembly

Field to match the glazing bead assembly for automatic search.

Type fv

Returns the definition of the aesthetic appearance of the glazing bead. 12 definitions are considered ( including Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4).


Glass bead cutting

Field that allows you to choose the type of glass bead cut (45°and 90°).

Glass cavity

This is the space that must be between the filling (glass or panel) and the glazing bead.

Note N.B: This value is considered when calculating fill size. However, it is important to know that there is a precedence scale that the program takes into account when checking the value of glass gap, i.e. the first value to be examined is the one set on the fill, if this is 0(zero) then the one set on the glazing bead will be examined, if this is also 0(zero) finally the one set on the frame profile (fixed or sash) will be examined.


This is the part of the profile that fits beyond the chamber of the profile to which it is attached.

Note N.B: This value is considered when calculating the cut size of the glazing beads when they are cut at 45°.

If it is a reducer glazing bead, the interlocking value will be given by measuring the distance between the end point of the profile and the beginning of the chamber of the profile to which it is connected.


It is value that determines the bowing quotas


These are the calculated values in the fv cut at 90° dimensional tolerance


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