Moving frame

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Revision as of 17:45, 26 September 2024 by Lyna.Ferhi (Talk | contribs)
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This is the footprint value measured perpendicular to the thickness, excluding only the value of the rebate fin and glass fin.

If it is a movable sliding frame, the room value is given by the whole height excluding the glass stop fin.


This is the length of the strike flap.

Glass wing

This is the length of the glass rebate flap.

Sp glass wing (glass wing thickness)

This is the thickness of the glass rebate fin at the part where the gasket is to be mounted.


It is the height of the tooth that has influence on the gut.

Note N.B: When calculating the cutting length of a beam or upright Opera also considers the bowing operation for this purpose the height that the tooth of the profile to which it is to be connected has.

If it is a threaded glass profile, the value of the tooth will correspond to the negative value of the height of the glass wing.


This is the thickness of the profile measured on the housing side of the glass.

In the case of mortise glass profile, this is the thickness of glass housing.

Interc (Intercapedine)

This is the distance between one profile and the other measured from the beginning of the chamber of one to the beginning of the chamber of the other.

If it is a movable frame for sliding this value must be negative and will correspond to the entry measurement in the fixed frame.

Interc vetro (intercapedine vetro)

This is the space that must remain between the glass and the profile.

Note N.B: Typically, this is the shim dowel footprint value. This value is considered when calculating the size of the backfill. However, it is important to know that there is a precedence scale that the program takes into consideration when checking the glass gap value, i.e.: the first value to be examined is the one set on the infill, if this is 0(zero) then the one set on the glazing bead will be examined, if this is also 0(zero) then finally the one set on the frame profile (fixed or sash) will be examined.


Report the template code.

Note N.B: Three codes are provided: Z, L, T. Setting the template code correctly can enable the program to tell whether the node you are making is suitable for internal or external openings. In the case of a shutter profile, the template must be set to a T shape to obtain the display of the outward opening type.

Header angle

Corner composed of the profiles meeting the fixed frame.


Sets the profile as a separator.


Field to set the overlap distance between frame and sash.


The function of this box, and directed to the creation of nodes. For profiles that have a coplanarity, such as between the frame and sash, by entering the value in this box, when the program detects the profile image in the Node Creation Box, it takes this value into account, placing the sections with the coplanarity value.

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