Viewing Nodes

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Example of a structure with nodes already created
Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the types archive, after selecting a type press the button Image:tastoprogettazione.png

To view the nodes of one's structure, one must press the File:Tastonodi.png button.
There are basically two viewing modes: the first allows one to view the individual node in the profile by clicking on it, while the other allows one to view the nodes by drawing a line in the type with a horizontal or vertical section.
Let us now look at the viewing modes in detail:

Single knot

Display of the selected side node

This type of view is obtained from the Design Sheet, by activating the node key File:Keynodes.png and clicking one side of the structure on which you want to view the node.

This display allows both to manage the correct display of the node, but more importantly to match a thermal value to the node for CE marking (See "Add Certificate" button).

Note N.B: In the event that the fill icon has never been created in the archive, the program will open the Compose Fill Icon window that will allow the drawing to be created.
  • File:Tastomodificaoggettonodo.png: by clicking on one of the objects in the right column, you can go into editing the object, to associate a reference point, create an entitie, or to make any change to the drawing itself.

See also. Changelog #1569

Section nodes

It is possible to see the nodes on both sides (left and right, bottom and top) by drawing a straight line, holding down the left mouse button and sliding it across the work surface so that it cuts the type in width or height as shown in the example:

Example of drawing the straight line
Window side knots
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