How to merge fill IDs by job order

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(available since version 3.8.4)

Note N.B: This new feature is recommended for Opera users who design Continuous Façades (optional). It is activated from the Office menu, in the Cut panel. It allows profiles with the same name that have equal cut measurements and equal machining to be merged with a single ID code.

Activation procedure

  • In the Cut Parameters panel, activate the field Enable job cut bundling.
  • Two new fields will be activated in the Job Order File:campicodiciid.png

Management in the job order

The job order archive
  • Choose ID code format to merge fills with identical size.

  • In the Job Management panel, through the Print Options, print, for example, a Bill of Fills.

  • In the printout the fills will be merged under the chosen code. In this case the code is %job_id%, which corresponds to the Progress of the job. The program assigns a numeric index to the merged cuts.

The No. pieces column will show the number of pieces merged; in the Ident. code column, the first number indicates the sequence of the job, the second is the numeric index assigned by the program.


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