How to merge fill IDs by job order
From Opera Wiki
Revision as of 20:56, 23 September 2024 by Lyna.Ferhi (Talk | contribs)
(available since version 3.8.4)
Activation procedure
- In the Cut Parameters panel, activate the field Enable job cut bundling.
- Two new fields will be activated in the Job Order
Management in the job order
- Choose ID code format to merge fills with identical size.
- In the Job Management panel, through the Print Options, print, for example, a Bill of Fills.
- In the printout the fills will be merged under the chosen code. In this case the code is %job_id%, which corresponds to the Progress of the job. The program assigns a numeric index to the merged cuts.
The No. pieces column will show the number of pieces merged; in the Ident. code column, the first number indicates the sequence of the job, the second is the numeric index assigned by the program.
- The summary of the cuts and assigned codes can be viewed in the Job Fills Management' panel, which opens upon pressing the File:Gestioneriemoimenticommessta.png button in the Job Fills Archive panel.